Monday, April 30, 2012

The Avengers

*ing : Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffallo, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Scartlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson, Jeremy Renner
Director : Joss Whedon

Tagline : some assembly required

oh wow.. what a film. i have always liked superhero genre films but never really was a die hard fan. my most fav superheroes where iron man and batman.
Avengers trailer had me really excited. and then subsequent hype and overwhelmingly positive reviews made me even more excited abt the film. then there was this huge expectations from the film. well let me telllya, it exceeds ur already high expectations. its nothing like anything you have seen before.

the film is about group of superhero who come together to save the world from some other world enemy bt also is about how these superheroes have egos, fight abt things, make fun of each other and them come together for a common cause.
the film is incredibly funny and has some jaw dropping action scenes. my fav still remains the iron man but hulk was real surprise package and was marvelously played by mark ruffalo. its a gretest ensemble you will see in terms of casting and also characters. GO FOR IT.

Rating :
* * * * & 1/2

Sherlock Holmes

*ing : Robert Downey Jr, Jude Law
Director : Guy Ritchie

Tagline : Nothing Escapes Him

I just wanted to revisit the first film in the series ad I had been watching scenes of the newer Sherlock holmes which obviously I am fan of. I ended up watching the entire film and liked it again.. there is soo much to like about the Sherlock holmes character crated by guy Ritchie.. he is funny, cocky, selfish bt a genius too. And wat an adorable friendship with dr Watson played elegantly by jude law. The film has all, the humor, the action, the suspense and an unrequited love. Watch it.

Rating :
* * * & 1/2

Young Adult

*ing : Charlize Theron, Patrick Wilson
Director : Jason Reitman

Tagline : Everyone grows old, not every one grows up.

Jason retiman has given some fine films in past. He has written juno, directed up in the air and thank you for smoking. Thank you for smoking I liked a lot.
Young adult is rather average film abt a recently divorced lady who goes back to her town to get back his old boyfriend who is happily married now.
She actually suffering from acute depression and has other problems in life too. I did not like the main character at all and intern did not give much liking to the proceedings.

Rating :
* & 1/2

Kung fu Panda 2

*ing : (voice of) : Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Michele Yeoh, Jackie Chan
Director : Jenniffer Yuh

Tagline : Prepare for the return of awesomeness.

First thing first, I loved loved the first kung fu panda movie. And I was always going to judge this movie on the basis of first. If I see this movie independently, I may hv liked it bt if u compare it from the first, it is actually kind of disappointment. The first movie had dollop of humor and a very interesting story as well. This one also has a good story but the humor is not that much. The panda is still as endearing and he has issues which he must come to terms with, and he does. Overall, slightly disappointed, still a good one.

Rating :
* * *


*ing : Gina Carano, Evan McGregor, Michael Fessbender
Director : Steven Soderbergh

Tagline : They Left her no choice

I have always been intrigued about the financial collapse that happened in 2008 and have always wanted to know more and more about it. I have seen too many movies and tried to read maximum about but still haven’t fully understood how it all happened.
Margin call is very much related to the same incedent but it doesn’t tell wat happened. It just tells about a company how they got into this muck, wat they did to get rid of it and wat impact it had on their employees. It’s a story of a night, a night before the world started to know about the collapse of biggest investment companies on wall street. it may sound a boring topic but film is anything but boring.
It keeps you on edge, tells you about the young guns working on wall street and their state of mind. It’s a must watch whoever has any little interest in this part of history.

Rating :
* * *

Margin Call

*ing : Kevin Spacey, Stanely Tucci, Zachary Quinto

Tagline : Be first. Be smart. Or cheat.

I have always been intrigued about the financial collapse that happened in 2008 and have always wanted to know more and more about it. I have seen too many movies and tried to read maximum about but still haven’t fully understood how it all happened.
Margin call is very much related to the same incedent but it doesn’t tell wat happened. It just tells about a company how they got into this muck, wat they did to get rid of it and wat impact it had on their employees. It’s a story of a night, a night before the world started to know about the collapse of biggest investment companies on wall street. it may sound a boring topic but film is anything but boring.
It keeps you on edge, tells you about the young guns working on wall street and their state of mind. It’s a must watch whoever has any little interest in this part of history.

Rating :
* * * & 1/2


*ing : Gerald Butler, Tom Wilkinson, Idris Elba
Director : Guy Ritchie

Tagline : A story of sex, drugs and rock n roll

I was in a mood to watch some whacky kool action thriller and wat better to watch films made by guy Ritchie, defitinly one of my most fav director.
Not his best film according to critics but I love the non linear way of storytelling which is always laced with good dose of humor.
If you are not aware of world of guy Ritchie and his coolness, I recommend you must watch films made by him.

Rating :
* * * & 1/2

Paan Singh Tomar

*ing : Irrfan Khan
Director : Tigmanshu Dhulia

Tagline :

rfan khan has always been of my fav actor. I have truly loved him in films like haasil, the namesake and maqbool and enjoyed pretty much all the films he has done. No matter a small or big role, he brings a difference to the film.
PST is supposed to be his coming of age film where is he is truly accepted in industry as an actor who can also deliver hits just on his own. PST received tremendous positive feedback but I somehow did not like the film much. I thought it was just OK type film. Irfan acted really well bt so he does in every film.
The film , however, is about a athelete who turns “baaghi” when his system betrays him. The film is based in an average life in Chambal which is pretty much hub of the dacoits in india.
Watch it if you are fan if irffan khan bt do take care of language of the film.. which is really difficult to understand at times.

Rating :
* * & 1/2


*ing : Michael Fassbender, Carey Mulligan
Director : Steeve McQueen

Tagline :

Well i truly think shame is an overrated film. if you remove the deep layed few scenes abt lonely sexholic man, its just,, well a soft porn. film has too much of nudity and too much of unbashed sex. soo much that it seems the film is only abt it.. bt as i said, it has some deep insecurity abt a lonely sexholic man who's life turns upside down once his sister starts living with him. her sister, who herself is a wreck in her life brings uncomfortable changes to the life of the man.. its how he deals with it and does he be able to overcome the problems of his own, thats wat the film is about

Rating :
* * & 1/2

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Descendants

*ing : George Clooney, Shailene Woodely, Amara Miller
Director : Alexnder Payne

Tagline :

the descendants is story about a millionaire man who's wife has met up with an accident and is dying in hospital. who also learns that she was having an affair. this makes him take the responsibility of his two daughters who seems to hv loosing control on their life and are becoming nothing bt spoilt brat.
how he slowly comes close to their daughter, how he finds the man with whom his wife was cheating and also he saves acres of land from going to undeserving people. i personally did not like it.

Rating :
* * & 1/2

Mission Impossible IV : Ghost Protocol

*ing : Tom Cruise , Jeremy Rener, Simon Pegg
Director : Brad Bird

Tagline : NO Plan, NO backup, No Choice

ummmm,, well i haven't been greatest fan of Mission Impossible franchisee. I have enjoyed the film in bits in parts but not been religious follower of films.
but i have to admit, MI4 is the the best film of the lot. It is funny, edgy and has lots and lots of kool action.
Tom Cruise reprises the role of agent Ethan Hunt and this time mission is bigger and more dangerous. the twist is that they dnt hv no backup and except the team of 4 individual there is no one else to help them. their mission takes them to different country from Budapest to Dubai to finally India. yes, the major portion of film is shot in India and entire climax is set up in india.
a word abt stunt scene on the tallest building on earth, Al burj in Dubai, its a hair raising scene and performed exceptionally by tom cruise.
superb stuff i say.

Rating :
* * * *


*ing : (voices of ) Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy
Director : Nathan Greno, Byron Howard

Tagline : Get Tagnled Up.

Haven't i always said, whenever i watch an animation film from Hollywood, i get overwhelmed. like literally. !
Tangled is again one the films from american animation industry which is not just for kids but also for adults alike. there is a great message and film is laced with humor and some really smart lines.
no matter how much one reviews the film or talks about it, you cant experience the joy unless you watch the film. each and every small details has been done exceptionally well. wonder what makes them take a call whether the film has to be made in animation or with real characters but whichever way, they end up making some seriously good cinema.

Rating :
* * * *


*ing : Joseph Gordon Levitt, Seth Rogen, Anna Kendrick
Director : Jonathan Levine

Tagline : It takes a pair to beat odds.

A very nice and delicate film about a man who has been diagnosed with a rare cancer. a seemingly normal man who is actually a very nice person, who doesn't drink, smokes and recycles is diagnosed with cancer and has 50/50 chances of making it.
the odds are against it and he has to make it. he realizes how people are changing around him. who are his real frens. eventually with great difficulty and with some support, he makes it. the film tells as how to never give up in any situation.

Rating :
* * *

I love you Man

*ing : Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Jones
Director : John Hamburg

Tagline : Are you man enough to say it ?

I do not enjoy watching movies again. I mean i may watch few scenes here and there but i normally do not watch full movie once i have seen it. I love you man is an exception. I love this film blooody soo much fun. Its a film about man, what he likes to do, things he does and why. brilliantly cast, very very fun and such amazing chemistry between the leads. watch it whenever you feel bored or low in life.. as i am going thru now..

Rating :
* * * *

Memories in March

*ing : Deepti Naval, Raima Sen, Rituparno Ghosh
Director : Sanjoy Nag

Tagline :

a mother finding out about his deceased son that he had a secret life and that he was a homosexual. that is the story dealt extremely delicately in such aptly titled film.
there is a great sensitivity in which the relation between the mother and lover of his son has been shown. the lover played by famous director rituparno ghosh brings amazing calmness and subtlety to the role. raima sen is fab too.. watch it if you are in a somber mood and wants to feel the pain of a heartbreak.

Rating :
* * *