Saturday, October 17, 2009

Away We Go

Cast : John Krasinski , Maya Rudolph
Director : Sam Mendes

Away We Go has been labelled a lot of things – road movie, coming-of-age movie – but if you ask me, it was one of the sweetest romantic movies I have watched in sometime. Its got no recognizable stars – infact the female lead is kinda ugly – but the two lead actors produce some wonderful tender moments in the movie.
A geeky insurance salesman and his 6 month pregnant girlfriend find themselves up a creek without a paddle when Burt’s parents announce a surprise move to Belgium. Finding no reason to continue living in Connecticut and dreaming of an outdoors life for their soon-to-be-born daughter, Burt and Verona decide to relocate. Away We Go covers their journey to find a new home for themselves, while discovering some facets of life.
While filmed like a roadtrip movie and introducing new characters at every city they visit, it is the relationship of Burt and Verona that catches your eye and that’s what you carry out of the movie. The movie starts where most romantic movies end – the hero and heroine are already in a long term relationship. And neither are they facing a crisis – they are very happily in love with each other. But as they meet relatives and friends in different cities, they question their ideas of a family and what it means to be parents …
Very sensitive but in a happy way – and diametrically opposite from Revolutionary Road, director Sam Mendes’ last work. And it has its fair share of quirky characters – the alcoholic, husband-abusing lady and the crazy indie-karmic Maggie Gyllenhaal will have you holding your sides in laughter. But cutting through all the dysfunctional families, is the resolve of Burt and Verona to give their daughter the best shot at life …
A must watch for all people in a relationship atleast.
Rating :
* * * & 1/2

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