Friday, December 4, 2009

Funny People

Cast : Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen, Leslie Mann, Eric Bana
Director : Judd Apatow

Judd Appatow directs his third film, Funny people. Judd Appatow has produced a ton of films, but only directed three. Appatow returns with his newest film, Funny people. It's a not a funny movie, don't get me wrong, but it is a little bit flawed. It upsets me to say this, but I was a little bit disappointed.

The first hour and a half was fairly entertaining, funny one-liners, exactly what I was expecting. Then the scene when Adam Sandler's Character goes to visit his former girlfriend's house. It dragged ON, and ON, and ON, and so forth. It was like the tempo of the movie went from snappy to outright boring and annoying. There were at least 15-20 minutes where nobody in our almost sold-out crowd laughed. Terrible.

It was almost like Apatow took two completely different editors, gave one the first half's footage, and the other the second half, and had them edit without seeing each other's work. The second half was painfully awful to sit through. Some people left the theater. Plot development was slower than ever, everything was predictable.

None of the characters were likable, expect for maybe Seth Rogan's and the children. It didn't "move" me in any way possible, plot was fairly pointless and dry, satire was nearly absent, and it relied on penis, fart and sex jokes that were nowhere even close to Superbad. Sandler was OK. It was nice having lots of cameos: James Taylor, Eminem, Tom from Facebook, Ray Romano and Sarah Silverman just to name a few. But it didn't make up for subpar acting from the others.

I thought maybe the ending would make up for the second half it could have been a decent comedy, but it was formulaic and awkward. I've seen much funnier people in much more funny movies. Infact you can watch the director’s first two movie.. 40 year old virgin and knocked up... better any day.

Rating :
* *

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