Friday, August 19, 2011

True Grit

*ing : Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Hailey Stainfield
Director : Joel & Ethan Coen

Tagline : Punishment comes one way or other.

Coen brothers are perhaps only director in hollywood who has huge body of work which is admired by all. they hv won Oscars and now they started doing well at box offices as well. But they are only director who's not a single movie i have liked, or even understood well. True grit is their the easiest movie to understand. films like "no country for old men", (some amazing scenes bt cudnt understand wat film was abt) "a single men" (cudnt get heck of it), " the big lebowoski" (hated it), o brother where art though (cudnt finish it).
true grit is set in 196Os Texas with cowboys with terrible accent on a hunt of a ruthless killer. its a simple story told with trade mark coen brothers style. better than the rest bt nothing much to recommend for honestly.

Rating :
* * & 1/2

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