Thursday, October 20, 2011

Revolution 2020 : Love. Corruption. Ambition

Written by Chetan Bhagat

Finally finished a book after long time.. even though starting many books in recent times and reading as much as 90% of certain books.. i had not been able to finish any of them. bt with chetan.. its different.

mostly its the language and stories he talks abt. it all sounds relatable. the issues, the lingo.. the setup.
here its a triangular love story set in city Varanasi which also has backdrop of corruption in education sector.
It may not be chetan's best work bt you cant ignore the seriousness of the issue he talks about. as how there is rampant corruption in education and as how you have to bribe on EVERY stage to get a college be up and functioning. one of the reason our country's education system is going to drains.
may not be funny as his earlier books, may not be as dark as the issue sounds.. may not be as dramatic as it should hv still its worth a read.

Rating :
* * * 1/2

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