Wednesday, January 30, 2013


*ing : Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Naomie Harris, Judi Dench
Director : Sam Mendes

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So after months of wait I finally saw the latest installment of ‘James Bond’ franchise, currently running in its 50th year. James Bond, the iconic character created by novelist Ian Fleming is the coolest character to have graced on screen. Smooth, suave, handsome, Witty and has a license to kill. What else do u want from a man. The actors portraying has been changing from time to time. Starting from the very famous Sean Connery to latest Daniel Craig. Bt for ppl who grew up in 90s, the James Bond for us was Pierce Brosnan and only he. So it was difficult to accept any other actor playing role of James Bond. Exactly wat happened with Daniel Craig who initially got cold response when he started playing the Bond. Bt slowly he grew in the role and how. Skyfall is almost like coming of age film for Daniel Craig as James Bond. He very good. Also, the franchise was facing lot of issues since last movie, Quantum of Solace, hadn’t really done that well. More so, there are new franchises which have taken the action to a different level so it has become difficult for James Bond to meet the expectations. Hence I think Skyfall was given to Sam Mendes, a director who has expertise in more drama genre than action genre which Bond series is. So that he can bring some depth and new gravity to the James Bond character. He does succeed in it, quite well though. ! Film is gorgeously shot and has some amazing action sequences. The best being the chase scene at the start of the film. But the major highlight of the film is the villain, portrayed by maverick Javier Bardem. He is creepy has hell and has given brilliant performance. Exactly a match a character like ‘James Bond’ needed. It may not the best Bond movie, bt its best in recent times.
Rating :
*** & 1/2

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