Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

*ing : Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Gerry Robert Byrne
Director : Michel Gondry

Tagline : You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story.

''Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind'' is a big and strange name, but it matches perfectly this movie. I can say this is one of my favorite films at all, and one of the things that makes it so special to me, is the fact that it can be interpreted in multiple ways.
If you can relate to the underlying theme of love longed for, love given and received, and love lost, this is a great film. If you have come to understand that acceptance can -sometimes- be a great thing and not a compromise or a 'settle for' - this is a moving film.

As crazy and almost surreal as elements of this film are, it somehow remains honest and real. That seems like a contradiction
Carrey and Winslet both turn in superb performances, as do the supporting cast. An incredible film that most of the people who 'get it' will love - but I suspect there will be more than a small percentage who won't understand it or can't relate to it and they will (understandably) dislike it.
Here's the basic plot. Clementine (Winslet) and Joel (Carrey) have a long, rocky relationship. Clementine decides to get Joel erased from her memory, so Joel decides to do the same, only while Joel is in the process of the erasing, he comes back around to the really sweet, nice memories, and realizes that he wants out of the procedure.
Just imagine, instead of dealing with the pain and suffering of your past, you can erase people and moments from your memory, and move on with your life, without giving it another thought. Imagine your bad relationships can disappear. You bad experiences obliterated. Your bad times gone.
I have never been a fan of Jim Carrey and never liked his style of acting. But he was just marvelous in the movie. And Kate Winslet is amazing. She’s my long time favorite. Gorgeous, Alluring, Luminous and every other adjective for her is incomplete. She’s the perfect lady for desire.
And this a a beautiful film. Perhaps the best romantic film of this generation. It may sound farfetched but it is true.
Rating :
* * * * & ½

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