Monday, March 31, 2014

Stuck in Love

*ing : Greg Kinnear, Jennifer Connelly, Lily Collins
Director : Josh Boone

Tagline : A story of first loves and second chances.

Stuck in love,the title was attractive for me.I was looking for a romance movie to watch,ant it seemed to be a good one.After watching this movie i would like to tell you "Go watch it and enjoy".This movie is the best type of romance movies ,it is a movie that shows real life love not that crazy impossible love.It shows you 3 types of love that you may encounter (or encountered before) in a very realistic way.if u have experience in love you will understand what am talking about,love in real life is full of pain,disappointment,coincidences and mainly "imperfection" .This movie will show the whole parts in a very true and wonderful way.And you will really see love from the point of view of smart writers(characters are all writers).
Rating :
*** & ½

A Single Man

*ing : Colin Firth, Julianne Moore, Matthew Goode
Director : Tom Ford

Tagline :

Rarely do I watch a film just cause I am in awe of performance of the lead. I saw A single Man around 3 years ago. Yet, Colin Firth’s acting haunted and always wanted to see it again. And wat a performance he has given of a lonely man who has decided that he will kill himself at the end of the day. Too much melancholy and sadness in his performance. Cant belive they dint give him oscar .
Rating :


*ing : Daniel Brühl, Chris Hemsworth, Olivia Wilde
Director : Ron Howard

Tagline : Everyone's driven by something.

''Rush'' is a very good film about the rivalry between two Formula 1 race car drivers and their lives behind it. Directed by Ron Howard, the film is a triumph concerning action sequences, film editing and sound. Despite it being a sports film about racing, ''Rush'' never fails to develop its characters, its story and its suspense thus delivering a deeply satisfying conclusion.

Beginning with the film's performances, one would expect to see little character development, acting and emotion but a whole lot of action. However, this is not the case. The film's performances are very good. Daniel Brühl gives an outstanding performance as Austrian Niki Lauda: from the character's personality, body movement, expressions and emotions to his speaking accent, Brühl manages to handle it more than well and deliver a very authentic and powerful performance. From his first appearance in the film, he stays a very powerful figure throughout the film and very memorable after it. He realizes the character's motives and feelings which enables him to fully portray his character. Despite his performances in films such as ''Thor'', ''Red Dawn'' and ''The Cabin in the Woods'', Chris Hemsworth gives a decent enough performance as James Hunt. He is far from outstanding but he portrays his character as he should be, never overacting nor underplaying his character, thus delivering a satisfying and believable performance as a race car driver. The rest of the cast doesn't have much screen time since the film mainly focuses on the two protagonists but their acting does not disappoint.

The film's exhilarating action sequences are probably the main reason people will go to see it and they will not be disappointed. With rapid but smooth editing, the renowned film editing duo (Daniel P. Hanley, Mike Hill) manages to ''tell'' the story rather clearly rather than just smothering it under its heavy action scenes. Other technical aspects such as sound editing, sound mixing and cinematography are superb. Sound, especially, plays a very important role in the film and luckily, the sound is clear, realistic and not bombastic as most Hollywood action films. The racing sequences are superb: we see them from every angle possible, never confusing nor annoying the viewer with their rapid cuts, instead keeping the viewer interested (especially during the final climatic race). As for the score, Hans Zimmer's fast paced music adds nicely to the film's racing sequences, turning the suspense meter way up without distracting the viewer. As with most of Zimmer's works, the film's score is very epic and memorable which captures the film's action.

What works very well in the film is the fact that it's not just a film full or car explosions, racing and trophies but a film which tells the story of two people who succeeded in the race tracks, a film which doesn't drown its characters under its impressive action sequences but allows them to breath.

Strongly recommended
Rating :

The Bling Ring

*ing : Katie Chang, Israel Broussard, Emma Watson
Director : Sofia Coppola

Tagline : If you can't be famous, be infamous.

Do yourself a favor and avoid this movie, even if you're a fan of Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation), I beg you not to see it. Its someone who could be a great artist doing something effortless just because.

Its about a couple of celebrity obsessed teens who start robbing celebrities' homes.

There are no stakes during the movie, because we don't care about the characters, none of them are likable. Its also supposed to be a satire, but I didn't think it was funny at all, it was actually kind of sad in a way. The movie has so little story and effort put into it that scenes are repeated throughout the movie, by that I mean Emma Watson going "I see this as a huge learning lesson".

The movie is just boring, there is nothing interesting about it. Its a wannabe "Magic Mike", it attempts to be like "Kids", but for that it takes great acting skill, which none of the actors in this movie seemed to have or are not even trying.
Rating :

Enough Said

*ing : Julia Louis-Dreyfus, James Gandolfini, Catherine Keener
Director : Nicole Holofcener

This is a sweet, small movie, where everything works really well. It's mostly about the acting, I think, and everyone is terrific. I don't think anyone in the cast was less than great.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus and James Gandolfini are especially good, though. I'm a big fan of Seinfeld and Veep, as well as of The Sopranos, but I think the two of them were as good here as they've been anywhere.

Finally, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but the film came across almost as a love letter to LA. It makes the city seem like it would be a great place to live. It would be pretty great if this picture founded a genre.
Rating :

Thor : The Dark World

*ing : Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston
Director : Alan Taylor

Tagline :

I liked the first Thor but this one was a total failure.

The plot to this movie is as thin as an 80 Yr Old Pair of Underwear that has been worn by a homeless dude for the past quarter century.

I mean thin. The beginning was difficult to understand. I even attempted to use closed captioning to get the drift of the beginning.

The only redeeming features of the movie were Loki and the two sub-characters who worked for Jane Foster.

Rating :
*& ½

Rearview : My roadies Journey

*Written By : Raghu Ram

I don’t watch tv. I don’t own one. Hardly any tv series I hv followed regularly. But there is just one tv show, Roadies which I have followed almost quite regularly. May be from season one. I have liked the format of the show. The creators. The judge. I have always been fan of Raghu Ram, the director and casting judge of contetestents. Altho he has image of being rude and abusive man, he just treats anyone the way call for it. If you be nice and sensible, he will be same with you. But if you act oversmart he will take your ride for life.
I have also wanted to know more about the man, what goes behind making a season, how he has risen from being a thin man who was bullied throughout college and then becoming what he has become. The book is interesting read for all who wants to know the man. I quite enjoyed it.
Rating :
*** & ½