Saturday, November 7, 2009

Anything Else

Cast : Woody Allen, Jason Biggs, Christinia Ricci
Director : Woodey Allen

Tagline : In any relationship, one person always does the heavy lifting

Is there anything worse in the movie world than a comedy that is completely unfunny? If comedy is not accomplished, what exactly is the point of the picture? The end result is a two hour experience that feels like five hours.

I'm wondering if this was a bad movie to get introduced to Woody Allen. I've never watched a Woody Allen comedy before, and I know he's quite different from other comedic directors, but after watching Anything Else, I just don't get it. They were a few chuckles here and there, but for the most part, the movie was just boring, unfunny, irritating and depressing (a depressing comedy? What an oxymoron!)

I just could not relate to the characters at all. Jason Biggs supposedly plays a comedian who falls in love with Christina Ricci's character. Both characters are just annoying especially the one played by Christina Ricci. I guess her instability and constant complaining was supposed to be funny. It just dragged the movie on even longer.

Two other minor characters played by Jimmy Fallon and Danny DeVito were completely dispensable. Danny DeVito's character was just plain annoying as a groveling, unsuccessful agent. Maybe the point of the movie was to create so many annoying characters that we can laugh at them. Lastly, Woody Allen played a character in this movie, and he was really the only somewhat bright spot for the whole picture. He had some funny lines and gave the story a little extra pep but definitely not enough.

Overall, I'd say this is not a movie for the recreational moviegoer. I think you have to be a die-hard Woody Allen fan to appreciate droning chitchat as comedic gold. It aint for me..
Rating :
* *

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