Wednesday, August 31, 2011


*ing : salman Khan, kareena Kapoor
Director : Siduqquie

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i cant remember which was last movie i paid to watch a salman khan film. if i think really hard, i guess it was mujhse shadi karogi. that one sucked too.. oh ya, i saw london dreams too but that again was financed by a frend. i went to watch bodyguard only coz i had free tickets available.
all i wish i wud hv let the tickets go wasted. there was nothing good abt the film. the story too stupid and funny. songs happen just like that. action is good bt it seen there type of feel. and salman does his usual do-gooder act. kareena looks gorgeous and acts well bt there is nothing convincing in story. hated it.

Rating :
* & 1/2

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