Friday, March 30, 2012

Harry Potter and Deathly Hallow - 2

*ing : Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Richard Harris, Emma Watson
Director : David Yates

Tagline : It all ends

i have never religiously followed books or movies of harry potter when i was young. though i always knew its a phenomenon all across the world but since i hadnt read a book, i did not know what it meant to kids. i sometimes did wonder what was ther in these books as people wait days and weeks to get hand on the first copies of the book.

well this month, i decided to watch all harry potter films back to back and then i realized what magical thing called world of harry potter is. i am 27 years old and by no means i am a kid or a teenager. i am supposed not to enjoy things which kids or teenagers do. but i enjoyed harry potter series like anything in the world. it made me feel kid and adult at the same time.
i was extremely sad and depressed when the last film ended. and i had been part of this world only for a month. i wonder people who grew with harry potter. it took 10 years for 7 harry potter books to come out. i cant imagine their pain when they realized harry potter series is over. its like their friend from childhood has said goodbye forever. no character ever in past will be celebrated for as long as harry potter has been.
even the movies made on every book truly justifies the magical world of harry potter. casting young actors like Radcliffe, Rupert grunt and Emma Watson seems a stroke of brilliance today as they hv become such a fine actor and have carried the characters of harry potter, ron Wesley and hermoine with such authenticity. today when we think of these characters, we think of these 3 actors who played the role.
I haven't been able to take out the film of my head days after watching it. i keep going back to some movie or other in the series and watching scenes of it. i keep reading about the characters on net. i keep reading about spells used in the film. i read about jk Rowling.. i see her documentaries on youtube. i want to know each and everything about the series now..
some of my fav characters apart from the trio are, Luna lovegood, Ginny Wesley and nevile longbottom. they all are extremely endearing. i was also happy to see harry getting a proper family at the end. the poor guy suffered all his life, it was a emotional moment to see him with his wife and kids.

in the end i d like to say, j k Rowling, you are a genius and a special gift by god. you will die one day but characters created by you will always and always survive. that is your biggest achievement.
( i feel emotional just by writing here and knowing that i will not write about harry potter here anymore.)

* * * * * ( for the film and the entire series)

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