Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Motorcycle Diaries

*ing : Gael García Bernal, Rodrigo De la Serna and Mercedes Morán
Director : Walter Salles

Tagline : Let the world change you... and you can change the world

After having the film in my laptop for years, I have finally finished it. Story of Che Guevara and the trip which he took with his friend which changed his life forever. He met people from different classes, rich, poor and the divide between them. The stark poverty he saw around. And mind you, we are talking abt part of America here.. in India it still exists.
It made him be a rebel and start a movement to erase the divide for equal freedom and opportunity. The film per se is not that great however the idea behind it and the base thought of Guevara is marvelous. No wonder he is considered to be one of the greatest revolutionary of all time.

Rating :
* * *

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