Sunday, December 30, 2012

Premium Rush

*ing : Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon
Director : David Koepp

Tagline : Ride like Hell

Premium rush
A film starring Joseph Gordon Levitt is always exciting cause he chooses such different scripts. Premium rush is about bicycle messengers in New York city which delivers urgent couriers in different parts of city battling the crazy traffic. I had never heard that such thing at all exists. One of them the main hero who goes by principal of no gears no breaks. One day he gets a courier in which there are certain wrong ppl interested and this becomes matter of his life n death. The film is fast and doesn’t allow u to relax. And there are some crazy cycling stunts shot among various part of town which is amazing to watch at. Joseph still shines as an actor but the film doesn’t have too much meat in it. yet, its worth a watch .
Rating :
* * *

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