"Good Will Hunting" ranks high on my list of all-time favorite films. Everything about the movie is top-notch, everything. The acting is brilliant. The actors do a splendid job of eliciting an emotional response from the viewer. Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver and Robin Williams all shine in their roles, and are an absolute joy to watch.
Matt Damon plays Will Hunting, who is a brilliant young man who denies his unreal intellect. Will has had a very abusive childhood which hurt him mentally to a point where he can no longer let anyone close to him aside from his best friend who is played by Ben Affleck. That is until a professor at one of the top colleges finds Will's talent and helps him out of trouble with the law. Robin Williams later comes in as a therapist to Will, he is the only one who can really stand up to Will's intellect and manages to break the layer of distrust that Will has developed over years of solitude, and the two develop a bond beyond friendship.
The fact that it was written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon was a shock to me, I did not expect any strong writing and a solid script, but boy was I wrong. The movie lasts for 2 hours, and every minute of it I couldn't even focus on anything beside the incredible world of Will Hunting.
The subplots make for mini-movies of their own, especially the interplay between Robin Williams' character and Stellan Skarsgard's character.
Besides the writing, it is also perfectly acted. Ben Affleck is fantastic as Will Hunting's best friend and deserved an Oscar nomination simply for the scene in which he tells Will that he wishes Will would one day simply not be at his house. While Affleck is great in a relatively small role, however, it is Damon and Robin Williams who steal the show as the titular character and his psychologist, respectively. Damon's Will Hunting is just about the smartest man in the world, a man who can solve the most difficult calculus problem in his head and can read a book in a matter of minutes. Despite his genius, he is deeply emotionally troubled, due to his upbringing on the rough streets of Boston. Williams won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his brilliant portrayal of the only man who was able to get under Will's skin
I don't know whether Matt and Ben have ever been in therapy, but they certainly understand a lot about the human psyche, how it ducks responsibility, and pushes blame onto others, how it dismisses the real gifts it has and concentrates on running itself down. How many of us suffer from the same problems as Will? Only those who deny their own vulnerability will remain unaffected by this film.
You could read a lot of self-help books, but they won't bring across to you as powerfully as this film what it's like to be scared, what it's like to experience loss, how difficult it is to shake off your old ways of thinking, how important honesty to yourself is.
This film burns slowly, inside you
One important think i want to say that Something people will notice is how Will's problems in his life are not so much different than ours and with Gus Van Sant's brilliantly simply direction it is shown with more heart than you can handle. As Will goes through problems with his love life, his past and what his future hold for him, we realize his life his a potential that all our lives should be. Apart from this each character is superbly distinguished as each play a different role in Will's life which is one of the many fine touches of the screenplay. I highly recommend it as it one of the few movies that by the end of it you'll either smile or cry because you will look back at your life in truly different way.
One of the best Ever for me..
Absolute Must for All.
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