Monday, September 21, 2009

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Cast : Jason Statham, Jason Flemying, Nick Moran, Dexter Fletcher
Director : Guy Ritchie

I was a total and complete sucker for this film.

This is Definatley one of the coolest movie iv seen ever. Though iv heard enough praises abt it bt i took my time to watch it. By now i am quite familiar with Guy Ritchi style of film making (I have seen his movies like Rock N Rolla, Snatch nd now Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels. Even our home grown Kaminey was heavily inspired by this style of film making).

It will be hard for me and even unfair me to tell you story of the movie so i would just give u an outline about it

A bunch of British lads combine their money and enter a high stakes, illegal card game with a vicious criminal. They lose and must pay all the money within a week...or they lose their fingers--one for every day missed.

The rest of the film is about their search for the money. It involves their far more dangerous neighbours, naïve university dropouts who sell marijuana, a drug dealer described as "a madman with an afro" and, of course, the Harry and his men, most memorably Big Chris, the debt collector. Whether the characters are two-dimensional or just trying to live up to certain underground stereotypes I do not know, but it doesn't matter. They are parodies, but good ones.

If I were to write and direct a movie about gangsters or crime, this would be it. I wouldn't change one damn thing. Not a thing. Everything in this film was, to my eye, perfect - casting, the camerawork, the excellent dialogue

This film oozes with style, class, dark humor, plot twists and turns, and doesn't drag one bit. The casting and characterization is perfect, and Ritchie isn't afraid to move the cameras around; no pretense is really made here at "realism" - Ritchie doesn't mask the fact that it's a film and he runs with it.

A Must.

And there's one more's been emotional'

Rating :
* * * *

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