Sunday, December 30, 2012

You've Got Mail

*ing : Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan
Director : Nora Erphon

Tagline : At odds in life... in love on-line.

just wanted to watch good 'ol rom-com and ended up watching this cute fun of a movie made brilliant by its stellar leads, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. set in era when internet had just kind of started and it was soo much fun using email and chat rooms. you dnt know whom u r talking to but you like talking soo much. someone you pass on the street may be love of ur life. the idea itself was soo exciting. and then there is plotting of old vs new in form of these new books stores and the older books stores. ! its a pleasant watch.. exactly wat i wanted to finish off my year.

Rating :
* * * & 1/2


*ing : Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt
Director : Rian Johnson

Tagline : Hunted by your future. Haunted by your past

Looper is a sci fi time travel type film starring Joseph Gorden Levitt (heavily made up with lenses to look like younger Bruce Willis), Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt. Its abt time travel existing in future and ppl being sending back so that they can be killed. The movie is been much hyped and also successful bt somehow I did not like much. May be there were parts I did not understand or were not much exciting to get my complete attention. Yet, it’s a good movie. u may like it more than I did.
Rating :
* * *

English Vinglish

*ing : Sridevi, Adil Hussain
Director : Gauri Shinde

Tagline :

I have to admit here that I here that I hv never been much fan of sridevi. Perhaps I hv liked her most in Mr. India. Apart from that I cant remember any movie in which I LOVED her. And she makes a comeback after 15 years and how. Wat a dignified gracefully comeback by the lady. No item numbers, no unnecessary trappings, instead choosing such a topical subject with such great sensitivity. Kudos to sridevi for playing this non glamorous role and donning nothing bt simple cotton sarees throughout the movie. Its one of the best film of the year. Go watch, with ur mom specially.
Rating :
* * * & 1/2

The Dark Knight Rises

*ing : Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway
Director : Christopher Nolan

Tagline : Rise

The dark knight rises
I had to had to watch this movie again. One time view is just not enough for this epic saga which Christopher Nolan created in this Batman Trilogy. After giving a greatest villain, as a Joker, he gives yet another villain to be afraid of, Bane. Such a Hulky figure with even more dangerous motives. Words aren’t enough to describe the movie (and when I say this movie, I mean the entire trilogy here), u have to watch it to experience it. it doesn’t get better
Rating :
* * * *
Trilogy Rating :
* * * * *

Fire in Babylon

*ing :Richie Benaud, Ian Botham and Geoffrey Boycott and most of WI ex cricketers
Director : Stevan Riley

Tagline :

From 1975 to 1995, west Indies were almost an invincible team. It is also said to be greatest team ever in test and one day ! it had one of the greatest crickets of our time at their dominating best. the main reason was said to be the kind of bowling attack WI possessed. The real beast of the team were the pace attack of Colin Croft, Michael Holding, Andy Roberts and Joel Garner. Just the name of these bowlers were enough to traumatize the batsmen then. Bt the documentary is more abt rise of WI cricket after drubbing they got in Australia. The charismatic captain, Clive Lloyd built this army of bowlers and made a team to rule for the decades to come. Watch it if u hv any interest in greatest game on earth cricket , or even in sports in general.
* * * & 1/2

Sherlock (season 2)

*ing : Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman
Creators : Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat

Tagline : The world's favourite detective has emerged from the fog...this is Sherlock for a new generation.

And since I said, it makes u lust for more, I just cudnt wait to finish the second season too. Again with 3 episodes with one hour 30 mins runtime. And such marvelous episodes these are.. they are like drugs,, u want to watch more n more.. the brilliant mind of Sherlock is shown in a way which u enjoy a good porn movie.. just addictive. ! I hear season 3 is in making.. cant.not.wait.

Rating :
* * * * & 1/2

Sherlock (season 1)

*ing : Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman
Creators : Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat

Tagline : A new sleuth for the 21st Century

I haven’t read much of Sherlock Holmes. I haven’t seen prior serials based on him. I have seen 2 movies made on Sherlock Holmes by Guy Ritchie (both of which I loved ) and was fascinated by the character..
So when I heard abt this very famous series made on Sherlock, I knew I am going to watch it. and boy, how I loved it. like any other series from west, its extremely well made. Great casting, great stories, great music, great production values.
There are just 3 episodes, one hour thirty minute each and once u r done watching em, u ll surely be lusting for more.. ! totally fan of it .. watch it, like now
Rating :
* * * * & 1/2


*ing : Ayesha Takia, Ranvijay Singh
Director : Nagesh Kukunoor

Tagline : when love happens... life takes a turn

Nagesh Kukunoor is such a smart man and used to make such kool n different movies once upon a time. Infact his film, Hyderabad blues, in mid 90s was the first true blue indie movie which took the industry by storm. And then we had this surge of films like Bombay boys, split wide open, Snip, etc etc. even in commercial sphere, he made some kool ones like Iqbal and Dor but since then he has totally lost it. Mod is one of the weakest film and really saddens to know that its made by nagesh. The acting is soo amateurish , the plot is ridiculous to the point of being annoying and irritating and climax is plain dumb. Dnt watch it..
Rating :
* & ½


*ing : Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis , Seth MacFarlane
Director : Seth MacFarlane

Tagline :

I had heard a lot about movie Ted and how it’s soo different and how its the funniest movie etc etc but I always had my reservations. Even when the promos were kind of fun, I just cudnt get myself much excited abt the movie. It was mainly cause of the lead actor Mark Wahleburg whom I do not like at all. He is one actor who easily puts me off any film he is in. perhaps liked him only in the departed. And even in ted, he is the main problem for me.. think he is totally miscast opposite super hot mila kunis. The film is funny in parts bt looses its steam towards the end. Watch if u really want to

Rating :
* * & ½

Premium Rush

*ing : Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon
Director : David Koepp

Tagline : Ride like Hell

Premium rush
A film starring Joseph Gordon Levitt is always exciting cause he chooses such different scripts. Premium rush is about bicycle messengers in New York city which delivers urgent couriers in different parts of city battling the crazy traffic. I had never heard that such thing at all exists. One of them the main hero who goes by principal of no gears no breaks. One day he gets a courier in which there are certain wrong ppl interested and this becomes matter of his life n death. The film is fast and doesn’t allow u to relax. And there are some crazy cycling stunts shot among various part of town which is amazing to watch at. Joseph still shines as an actor but the film doesn’t have too much meat in it. yet, its worth a watch .
Rating :
* * *

Monday, December 3, 2012


*ing : Aamir Khan, Rani Mukharjee, Kareena Kapoor
Director : Reema Kagti

Tagline : The search lies within

I am not a huge fan of aamir khan. Bt I think he makes smart choices as far as his movies are concerned. As an actor and as a producer too. Having said that, I have not liked movies which hv become blockbusters. In recent times, I did not like ghajani, 3 idiots (liked it when I saw, bt now when I think of it, I find it silly and annoying) , dhobhi ghat. Loved his taare zameen par, rang de basanti, dil chahta hai, lagaan !
Promos of talaash were really exciting and gripping. It made people wait for it in spite of aamir being in it. there was a delay of almost an year before the film released and it was rumored that the climax is quite similar to another thriller, kahaani. ! I felt that the promos, although exciting, gave always little too much about the film and it wudnt be difficult to guess the suspense. Bt the twist was extremely unpredictable, although unsatisfactory. !
film has a dark mood throughout and cinematography is quite noir like. First half is just too gripping and doesn’t let u lose the attention even for a minute. Its just in second half the film slows down and there is no control over the narrative. The much guarded twist is actually quite cheesy and just ruins the otherwise fine movie . aamir does excellent job as an actor and totally looks like a man broken n weigh down by pain. Rani doesn’t hv much scenes bt shines in whatever presence she has. Kareena has some gaudy clothes n corny lines yet she acts well and puts her heart n soul in the character. Its not a great cinema, bt surely worth a dekko.
Rating :
* * *


*ing : Jason Statham, Brad Pitt and Benicio Del Toro
Director : Guy Ritchie

Tagline : Stealin' Stones and Breakin' Bones

Always been a huge fan of guy Ritchie n his films. lock stock n two smoking barrels being among my most favorites ones. His recent Sherlock Holmes series hv pushed envelope like no other films. snatch, just his second film is on lines of Lock Stock which has twisted plot with some really quirky characters and darkest of humor. Its almost the same cast as the lock stock with addition to superstar brad pitt who displays a fair bit of timing in comedy. Difficult to explain the plot.. all I can say, watch it and u shall have fun.
Rating :
* * * *

Luv Shuv tey chicken khurana*

*ing : Kunaal Kapoor, Huma Quereshi, Rahul Bagga
Director : Maneesh Sharma

Many a times just a promo of the films makes u want to see it. same happened with this one. I am no big fan of kunaal kapoor n wudnt hv been keen if the promo wasn’t such delicious. Also, it had music by amit trivedi n the soundtrack was truly fun n quirky. The film celebrates Punjab and it’s a state which I love. The music, the people, the language, the lifestyle I am attracted to all of em. Film is about a lost recipe of a popular dish named “chicken Khurana” and wat all happens in quest of it. Kunal Kapoor plays a London returned desperately looking for money to get rid off gangster but gets sucked in his family from which he ran away 10 years ago. There are some really funny and endearing characters like his old time girlfriend, his aunty, his grandfather and best of all is tittu mama. It is not a great film bt a good time pass.
Rating :
* * *

Jab tak hai Jaan

*ing : Shahrukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma
Director : Yash Chopra

Tagline : A Yash Chopra Romance

I said I will watch the film again and I did. I hv the same feeling like had first time. Wish the story was better and the film cud hv been a classic. Srk was great. (shud not hv kissed Katrina or anyone). Music was a heartbreakingly bad. The end credits were just too good.

Rating :
* * *

Page one : Inside New York Times office

*ing : David Carr, Sarah Ellison and Larry Ingrassia
Director : Andrew Rossi

Tagline : This year, the biggest story is their own.

Newspaper industry all across the globe is losing its revenue and slowly business. With invent of internet and facebook n twitter, majority of educated people are constantly in touch with news n are updated with happenings around the globe. Not many people hv time or inclination to read yesterday’s news these days. The younger generation increasingly are immune to news and papers. Even their education have become digital with computers and Ipads and Mobiles so it looks cumbersome to read a newspaper every morning. The iconic newspaper of world The New York Times is facing similar crisis as their revenue and readership is drying rapidly and it’s a tough race to survival. The major source of revenue for any newspaper is the advertisement and now soo many avenues for advertising product, its becoming increasingly difficult to shell out money for newspapers. The documentary talks abt the heritage of this iconic newspaper also its employees and the insecurity they face in daily life. It is a well made documentary with all real people talking abt their job and its first time any camera had such unprecedented access to the office of the newspaper. Watch it if u still love the good ol newspaper. I do.

Rating :
* * *


*ing : Arvind Swami, Madhu, Pankaj Kapoor
Director : Mani Ratnam

Tagline :

Mani Ratman is one of the greatest director in India and each film of his is a statement in a way irrespective of its box office performance. I haven’t seen his earlier films and have seen films only which either he directed in Hindi or were dubbed n released in Hindi. Like Bombay, dil se, yuva, guru, n ravan. !
Roja is another acclaimed film based on militancy and terrorism in Kashmir. However the film was made in early 90s when the terrorism was just coming in the valley unlike now where the situation is more volatile n vulnerable and dangerous. And that is the reason it doesn’t explore the depth of the situation of normal people or of people falling in the trap of terrorism or the situation they go thru in their daily life. Having said that, the film has a poignant love story at its heart where the wife of kidnapped intelligence officer, played by madhu, takes system on to get her husband released. the husband, arvind swami, is a patriotic at heart and is able to transform the heart of the kidnappers by his sheer love for country. It was the first film where A R Rahman gave music and changed the music industry forever.
Definitely not best of Ratnam but certainly good one.
Rating :
* * * & ½

Jab tak hai Jaan

*ing : Shahrukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma
Director : Yash Chopra

Tagline : A Yash Chopra Romance

Jab tak hai jaan was the most awaited movie for me since it was announced. First, it was shahrukh khan’s film. It was to be directed by the legend Yash Chopra. It had Katrina Kaif for the first time with Shahrukh. Also, Anushka Sharma who is emerging as one of the most promising actress. Music was by A R Rahman and Lyrics by Gulzar. It just cudnt hv gotten bigger. The promos were all too exciting. SRK in a romantic role in a film directed by Yash Chopra. All the promos were great but quite ambiguous in nature not giving away anything about the story and everyone kept wondering what the story cud be like. And then the music got released and it was such a heartbreaking one. It was no where close to Rahman’s or Gulzar’s best and the final film of Yash Chopra deserved better music. Even the video songs were rather cold and did not give much excitement abt the prospect of seeing them on the screen. Except perhaps challa.
in normal circumstances I wud hv seen the film first day first show bt I was in a place where I cudnt hv seen the film first day first show so I had to wait few days to watch it. and the verdict of the film is mixed. Coz there are soo many things to hate in movie, yet there are soo many things to like. Katrnia and Anushka are too good. Cinematography is excellent. But the story is soo silly it is almost ridiculous. Wonder why Yash Chopra agreed on such silly story written by his son Aditya Chopra. Having said that, there is certain conviction in the story telling which makes all these believable. Best thing about film is Shahrukh Khan. He towers in the role as the lover boy and looks extremely dashing playing army man flirting with death everyday. He has never looked soo intense. He is clearly the best looking army men we hv ever had on screen. ! having said that, he has a lip kiss in the movie and I strongly thing he shud not hv done it. his stance on no kissing was that made him different from other wanna be stars.
I missed the first 20 mins of the movie and I plan to watch it once again. Hopefully soon in a better theatre with better audience.
Rating :
* * *

Friends (Season 5)

*ing : Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer

Director : David Crane, Marta Kauffman

Tagline : All you need is friends !

Oh, my favorite thing on television, shows, movies or otherwise. Love America anyway and one of the reason is amazing television shows that they have. The kind of television shows that they have had or have, is miles ahead of Indian TV in context of quality and storytelling. Friends is just too kool. 6 frens in a Manhattan going through normal problems of growing up and the kind of fun they have. It is amazingly funny. Its once in a lifetime kind of show.
Rating :
* * * * *

God Bless America

*ing : Joel Murray, Tara Lynne Barr and Mackenzie Brooke Smith
Director : Bobcat Goldthwait

Tagline : Taking out the trash, one jerk at a time.

To start with , I have to say that I love country America. Like any country, it has issues too. Obsessed with war, youth being addicted to drugs, adults living on anti depression drugs, failing economy etc etc. yet, this has been one of the greatest country in the world. They hv invented pretty much everything around us. Including the laptop I am working or the program on which this text is being typed. And hopefully also the device you are reading on it. Everything we consume, wear has been invented in US (now may be manufactured in china). Pizza, burgers, coke Pepsi, apple, facebook, dell, HP, Jeans, computers, Hollywood, laptops and many technological thing.
Country has amazing amount of liberty to its filmmakers and general public. You can make as brutal film criticizing and accusing government like Fahrenheit 9/11 and yet it ll get mainstream release. You can wear their flag as underwear or panties yet its acceptable. America has been the dream destination for entire world for most of the part of their life.
God bless America talk abt a man who is seeing the system and culture falling and he feels helpless. He is a good American lived life with dignity. He has issues like his wife has left him and now he has lost his job. In alone time he watches TV and that’s where he painfully sees where America is going. Every channel is filled with ridiculous reality TV making celebrities out of ordinary people mostly at the cost of their buffoony or talent. A fad which is fast catching up in India and other part of worlds too..! he wants to kill himself but instead thinks its better to kill people who are spoiling the society. So with an unlikely partner, an underage girl, he goes on killing spree wiping out every rash individual he sees around. Right from ppl using reality TV to ppl not parking their car right or making too much noise in cinema halls. His methods may be incorrect but his frustration leads him to this extent. Film is also mix of Natural Born Killers and Fight Club but surely not as well made as previous two. However you do admit the fact that there is lot of thing wrong with society.
Rating :
* **

Of course I love you till I find someone else ! (Book)

Written By : Durjoy Datta, Maanvi Ahuja

Chetan Bhagat did lot of things for Indian Publishing industry. He created a revolution of sorts with his phenomenal number of sales of book. Numbers ppl had never seen and imagined in Indian publishing history. while he did all by writing in easy day-to-day language with social msg. all his characters are youth facing some issues which are common today. What he also did was to bring array of different writers who exploited the genre. Writing about youth, similar language, novels set in college etc. few (very few) of them were good n rest were plain crap. Of course I love you is a crap novel. 5 years ago such novels cudnt hv reached table of the editor, let alone being published. Since these are low priced hence eliminates piracy (again trend started by chetan bhagat) these sell decent numbers and ppl tag them as best sellers. This book is crap with crap characters and nothing about it. the central character is fucking looser with nothing good abt him yet he scores on most beautiful girls. I dnt even want to write further. Burn the book if u you have it.
Rating :

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Newsroom

*ing : Jeff Daniels, Emily Mortimer and John Gallagher Jr.
Creator : Aaron Sorkin

Tagline : More on this story as it develops.

The newsroom is a riveting breathtaking show created entirely by Aaron Sorkin (the writer of The Social Network, my most favorite film in last few years). The Newsroom is a fictional account of backroom story of a major news channel in USA. the things go people go through to break a news and what kind of pressure they have to deal on a daily basis for accurate news and , to remain in competition. Your integrity, honesty, work ethics, everything is questioned in such a high voltage situation. And it is shown in best in this show “the newsroom”. The show literally never allows you to breathe and sucks in you the world of his own. There are many important news covered during the course of first season and highlights the facts behind it. like Mexican Gulf Oil Spill, Killing of Osama Bin Laden, the US governor elections. The footages which are used are quite real so the show gets a new kind of edge. Watch it, you will not regret it.
Rating :
* * * * *

Student of the Year

*ing : Varun Dhawan, Sidharth Malhotra, Aliya Bhatt
Director : Karan Johar

Tagline : The Championship of Life

SOTY is a film directed by karan johar, one of the biggest director of india who has only worked with big stars in past, mainly the biggest of all, shahrukh khan. So when he decides to make a movie with newcomers, you cant help but admire his guts at first. SOTY is story about frends in a posh highschool and a competition which will take them to dizzying heights in their carrer. So Rohan is a spoiled son a of a rich father who doesn’t take life seriously at first. Abhimanyu is a middle class boy with big ambitions and aspirations and has always had eye on the big trophy. Shanaya is a typical young girl wearing designer (and short) clothes and is confused between both the boys. all the leads are very good looking and does well to hold on to the characters. The film is good enough and the new leads deliver what is expected out of them. They all can have a bright future in industry. But still, I think Karan Johar could have done better..

Rating :
* * * & 1/2

Friends (Season 4)

*ing : Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer

Director : David Crane, Marta Kauffman

Tagline : All you need is friends !

Wat shall I say that I hvnt said before.. it’s the best series ever got made. Shows u the mirror of ur own life and the fun u hv had (or can have) .. ! all the characters are ur friends and u know all of them. It becomes personal when Rachel loves Ross but he has to marry Emily. It becomes such tragic when ross takes Rachel’s name at wedding instead of Emily. You feel happy for chandler and Monika who starts dating. You know phoebe is not happy after letting go the triplets she delivered for his brother. its just best.

Rating :
* * * * *

Oh My God

*ing : Paresh Rawal, Mithun Chkravarty, Akshay Kumar
Director : Umesh Shukla

Tagline : Kanjibhai is taking God to court!

Oh my god is a film produced by Akshay Kumar who has been synonym with bad movies in last few years churning out pathetic movie one after another. Akshay kumar does have a smaller part to play in OMG bt the film cud have taken a more subtler tone and not used the ‘star’ status of the produced. Oh my God, officially based on gujrati play “Kanjibhai Vs God” and unofficially copied from Australian film “the man who sued god” has a very interesting and important premise. Film tells a story of man who doesn’t belive in god, and who shop is destroyed in an earthquake which insurance companies refuses to compensate saying its an “act of god”. Here he sues the God in court creating enough troubles for godmens and himself too. The film has some interesting conversation and brings out the blind faith people have in god and how they are looted in the name of it. the film is good but comes across as too preachy and loud at times. Wish the film was subtler , surely it wud have worked much better. Yet, I say u shud watch it.

Rating :
* * *

Monday, October 15, 2012


*ing : Sudeep, Nani and Samantha Ruth Prabhu
Director : S.S. Rajamouli, J.V.V. Sathyanarayana

Tagline :

Makhi is a dubbed version of Telgu Hit movie Eega. the film is huge hit in south and was dubbed in Hindi to capture bigger market. the film hasnt really done that well in dubbed version even after getting good reviews all over. about the film, its a simplistic story of a man murdered and reborn as a housefly to take revenge. there is also a sweet love story thrown in it to invest into emotions of the housefly. the film truly shows how the idea is the king. even after the plausible plot, the film is extremely entertaining. directors of the film have done real good job on the VFX part and it does seem that u r rooting for the small insect in-spite of impossible task. the film was made in Telgu so it has its cheesy moments but overall the film works. watch it.

Rating :
* * *

Friends (Season 3)

*ing : Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer

Director : David Crane, Marta Kauffman

Tagline : All you need is friends !

Season 3 has been watched and it’s the fastest any show I have seen with all the episodes in it. It helps watching it cause the episodes are shorter (23 mins each on average) and second that its soo funny you just watch it ever without getting bored. Once I am done with all the seaons (there are 10 of them) , I am sure I am gonna re watch them often enough. wud love to watch it with my spouse also, only if she has enuf understanding of humor and or enjoys watching the shows. Hope I get someone like that. Meanwhile, looking forward to watch rest of the seasons.

Rating :
* * * * *

Safety Not Guranteed

*ing : Aubrey Plaza, Jake Johnson and Karan Soni
Director : Colin Trevorrow

Tagline :

It’s more an indie movie with some sci-fi connection to it. There is ad in paper which is extremely weird and attention grabbing. The ad says that A man is looking for someone to time travel and that person to bring its own weapons and the safety is not guaranteed. He ends up the ad saying its not a joke. A magazine gets interested and wants to do a story so they send report and interns to spy on the man and to get more information. The girl gets involved in the guy. Turns out that there are other people also interested in him and are following him. He sometimes seems a crazy guy and sometimes it seems he is talking sense. The climax I wont reveal but I did not find the whole film very good..Watch only if u want to.

Rating :
* * & ½

Project X

*ing : Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper and Jonathan Daniel Brown
Director : Nima Nourizadeh

Tagline : The Party You've Only Dreamed About

You cant not have less expectations from film produced by makers of “the hangover” which so far is supposed to be greatest party movie ever. (However the film had less of party and more of aftermath of it) .. Project X can be described in truest sense a true party movie. And how..
Few unknown teenagers from high school wants to throw a birthday party and wants to have decent number of guests so that they can become popular in their school and get laid at night. But their night turns out same as expected and beyond. they were expecting not more than 50 guests and party ends up having 2000 crazy crowds with unlimited booze, ecstasy pills and enough number of girls. Which ends up attracting neighbors, police, media. The party goes completely out of control with riots happening between police and people attending the party. Also, the house and entire neighborhood is burned down by crazy crowds. Its just freaking hilarious. And as the tagline suggests, the greatest party that ever happened. Watch it and enjoy it,, its darn funny too..
Rating :
* * * *


*ing : François Cluzet, Omar Sy and Anne Le Ny
Director : Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano

Tagline : Sometimes you have to reach into someone else's world to find out what's missing in your own

I have seen few French films and they always surprise you , and how !
Intouchables is a marvelous amazing film. One of the best I have seen this year. Its about a disabled bt rich guy who’s entire body is paralyzed except the part above his neck. He is looking for a nurse (male) to take care of him. There are many applicants who are interviewed who are more qualified but he ends up choosing a rebellious black young man. The reason he gives is that he doesn’t need empathy or pity from other qualified applicants. He needs someone who can treat him as a normal man.
The two forms an unusual bond and friendship which is soo charming yet so funny. The chemistry between the leads is really to envy for. The film is more likeable to when you learn that the story is real. Yes, there was such situation in France and that’s where the story has been inspired from. This film has already earned 2100cr worldwide and is up in Oscars for foreign category. I say move aside kaju-barfi and others; Intouchables will be there all the way.

Rating :
* * * *

Purab Aur Pacchhim

*ing : Manoj Kumar, Pran, Saira Banu
Director : Manoj Kumar

This is another patriotic movie made by Manoj “Bharat” Kumar where he plays Bharat once again. It is among is more successful films. film also had some popular songs like “dulhan chali” “koi jab tumhara hridaya tod de” etc. bt the sole reason I wanted to watch the film is to learn about India and UK of 70s. the contrast between both the cultures and why people detested west soo much and why they thought India’s culture was better. Well, I am not the type to deride any culture per se. just because a girl smokes and drinks and wears small clothes doesn’t mean their culture is not good. its their way of living and they have got success with their lifestyle. We cant beat our chest saying we are morally higher than others. The film exaggerates many scenes and its laughable to see. More so cause we are much exposed to western culture now. May be when the film released it may have been success as people believed whatever they saw on the screen. However u have to appreciate the intentions of making film by manoj kumar. He was a true patriotic in many sense, a little jingoistic too if I may add.
Rating :
* * & ½

The Incredible Hulk

*ing : Edward Norton, Tim Roth, Liv Tyler
Director : Louis Leterrier

Tagline : You'll like him when he's angry.

The only hulk movie so far I had seen was The Avengers. Somehow the character never attracted me despite being quite popular. However in The Avengers, Hulk was one of the most important characters and was played impeccably by Mark Ruffallo. And as the popular saying goes, Hulk just smashed in The Avengers. So I became curious to watch atleast one film made on The Hulk. Also, one of my favorite director Ang Lee had also made a Hulk movie. I actually wanted to one directed by Ang Lee but ended up watching the next movie in franchise “The Incredible Hulk” which as Edward Norton Playing the Hulk, a scientist gone wrong in an experiment. The movie is OK and I dint find it that good.. nowhere in league of The Avenger’s Hulk. Hulk basically is a dark character with lot of issues of his own. So it was wrong to expect film to be super entertaining . yet, it could not keep my attention for its duration. Watch it only if u r a fan of HULK.

Rating :
* * & ½

Friends (Season 2)

*ing : Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer

Director : David Crane, Marta Kauffman

Tagline : All you need is friends !

Season 2 has been watched and I dnt have nothing to add than wat I said earlier. Except it gets funnier,, wittier and more enjoyable. You get to know the characters and their quirks more closely. You learn who are your favorite characters and what you like more about them (which changes often depending on the episode you watch) . It’s the best fun you will ever have watching a television show. Dnt miss it. Not a single episode of single season.
Rating :
* * * * *

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Motorcycle Diaries

*ing : Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal, Rodrigo De la Serna and Mercedes MorĂ¡n
Director : Walter Salles

Tagline : Let the world change you... and you can change the world

After having the film in my laptop for years, I have finally finished it. Story of Che Guevara and the trip which he took with his friend which changed his life forever. He met people from different classes, rich, poor and the divide between them. The stark poverty he saw around. And mind you, we are talking abt part of America here.. in India it still exists.
It made him be a rebel and start a movement to erase the divide for equal freedom and opportunity. The film per se is not that great however the idea behind it and the base thought of Guevara is marvelous. No wonder he is considered to be one of the greatest revolutionary of all time.

Rating :
* * *


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*ing : Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon and Brit Marling
Director : Nicholas Jarecki

Tagline : Power is the best Alibi

Arbitrage is a Richard Gere Film. I say this coz he completely owns the film and his part. He is terrific playing a Financial Mogul going thru darkest times. His company is about to be sold but there are many financial irregularities which are to be exposed which will make this deal go off. He is under debt. More scarily he is involved in an accident with his mistress which again can break his and many lives around him. Still, he is soo smart and charming he manages this all, well almost. It’s a taut thriller worth a watch.
Rating :
* * *

The Avengers

*ing : Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson
Director : Joss Whedon

Tagline :

The avengers is seen again. I loved the film soo much last time I cudnt help but to watch complete movie once again. And film is brilliant yet again. Of course films like avengers is better enjoyed in Larger Screens and a tiny laptop screen would never give you the sheer magnitude of the film and the fun it has. The last 30 minutes of epic battle between earth superheroes and other world intruders led by Loki is jaw dropping. The film is very very funny and all the superheroes seems to be in top form, specially like always Iron Man and a surprise The Hulk. It was worth watching again.

Rating :
* * * *


*ing : Ranbir kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Illena D'Curz
Director : Anurag Basu

Tagline : Be Barfi

Barfi is rare film today’s bollywood. Today’s bollywood is obsessed with 100 crores and south Indian masala remakes with no sense of story and only ridiculous action scenes and item numbers. Barfi is a fresh air.
Its about a dumb and mute guy Barfi, terrifically played by ranbir kapoor, and his life. Even after being handicapped, he never lets it come in a way of living life. Set in idyllic Darjeeling and Kolkata, the location gives mood to the hero and his world. The world is slower and prettier here.. Barfi falls in a love with a girl but she ends up marrying someone “normal” according to her parents wish. Barfi meanwhile gets involved with Jhilmil, played terrifically again by Priyanka Chopra, who is an autistic girl in a way. After years of marriage, barfi’s ex girlfriend again comes in his life to search someone he has lost.. its beautiful film with some really moving scene. Best scene, where barfi is been rejected by his girlfriends parents and how conveys his anguish and yet makes us all smile. The film is quite good yet not perfect.. there are parts when u feel bored, and specially in second half, there are too many things happening to confuse you. Still it’s a must watch coz as I sad, Barfi is a fresh air.
Rating :
* * * & ½

The Big Bang Theory (Season 1)

*ing : Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons and Kaley Cuoco
Director : Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady

Tagline : Smart is the new Sexy

So in continuation with my tryst with Hollywood serials, the next I tired is The Big Bang Theory, of which I had heard a lot about. Its few scientist geeks who has a new neighbor Penny, a blonde beautiful girl but these geek are socially awkward and know very less about the world around them. Its how they deal with “Penny” and everything else is what this serial is about. But I hated it. The two main protagonist shown as scientist are extremely extremely annoying and frustrating. Specially Sheldon, who is more genius of two and definitely more cocky and has no sense. Most hated thing is how he ll give a speech before answering anything at all.. the best part of the entire show is “Penny” who is hot and smart and beautiful and who has also kind of gotten used to these guys mannerisms. But they have so less of her in the first seasons. By the end of the show, one of the geek also starts dating penny so I am guessing there will be more of her in coming season but frankly I cant push myself to watch another season of this show.. I just cant.

Rating :
* & 1/2

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Last Station

*ing : Helen Mirren, James McAvoy ,Christopher Plummer
Director : Michael Hoffman

Tagline : Intoxicating. Infuriating. Impossible. Love.

The last station is story of a young apprentice who chooses to become helper of Leo Tolstoy in his final days. Also, it’s the story of Tolstoy and his relationship with his wife and how they hv conflict upon if to publish work of Tolstoy to the general public. Film is slow, moody and and at times painfully boring however there is certain old world charm to it. Finished it with great difficulty still did not like it much

Rating :
* * & 1/2

Cell 211

*ing : Luis Tosar, Alberto Ammann , Antonio Resines
Director : Daniel MonzĂ³n

Tagline :

Cell 211 is a Spanish movie set in a jail with a very interesting premise. A new guard on the duty is going thru induction and suddenly the riot breaks in the jail. He is trapped inside the jail and posses to be another inmate. He has his pregnant wife waiting outside as the riot gets nastier. Also, he befriends the head of the inmates and bonds an unusual relationship but the entire episode turns quite ugly for him. Its in the end he has to face some moral dilemmas and is forced to do things he wud hv never imagined right till the morning. It’s a good film.

Rating :
* * * & 1/2

The Graduate

*ing : Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Ross
Director : Mike Nichols

Tagline : This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future.

The graduate is supposed to be a cult film and one of the best performances of Dustin Hoffman. Its an old movie, released in 1968 but the film could be relevant even today. The film is primarily a love story of a young graduate who doesn’t know wat to do in life. He ends up having a passionate affair with a much married elderly women. Fate takes a twist and he ends up falling in love with her daughter. What all a young man does or can do for the love is what makes the film special. You can feel the heartbreak and the pain and the desperation in Hoffman’s acting. Also, film has wonderful soundtrack and used quite well in certain scenes in which Hoffman drives his beautiful car on the streets of New York.

Rating :
* * * & 1/2


*ing : Abhay Deol, Emraan Hashmi, Kalki
Director : Dibakar Banarjee

Tagline : Kasam Khoon ki Khayi hai, Sahar nahi Shanghai Hai

Shanghai is terribly frightening scary disturbing film by dibakar banaarjee, known for making movies on social issues. Right since his first movie, Khosla Ka Ghosla he’s made movies which matters. His movies may not hv set box office on fire but he is quite appreciated for his thoughtful endeavors. Shanghai is no different. Set in a fictitious city, bharatpur which politicians want to transfer it as next shanghai. But there is more than what meets the eye. A social activist is killed in broad daylight, an IAS officer is put in charge for the investigation who is helpless to see the situation around him. A local porn film maker gets some important evidence and gets entangled in entire conspiracy. There is lover the dead activist who wants to expose the entire nexus of politicians and corrupts. It is actually scary movie in the sense u know how rotten the society has become. It’s a must watch for everyone.

Rating :
* * * *


*ing : Jason Sthatham, Cathrine Chan
Director : Boaz Yakin

Tagline : She has the code. He is the key.

Safe is almost like any other Jason Statham which keep coming in abundance. Its no different from his transporter movies where a loony lonely guy is protecting someone, in this case a genius young girl.
The action is breathtaking really and neither there is dry humor you associate with Statham movies. Nothing great abt it.

Rating :
* * & 1/2


*ing : Ralph Fiennes , Gerald Butler
Director : Ralph Fiennes

Tagline : Nature Teaches Beasts to Know Their Friends

Had heard a lot abt the film and how its such nicely adapted by one of the most difficult Shakespeare novels. Also the first film directed by Ralf Fiennes and how the language is so Shakespearean.
But I did not like the film at all.. so much so, I cudnt even finish it. The language was too heavy to follow, even with the help of subtitles. The story was simple yet made quite complicated with different unwanted layers in it.

Rating :
* *

Bridget Jones's Diary

*ing : Hugh Grant, Collin Firth, Renée Zellweger
Director : Sharon Maguire

Tagline : It's Monday morning, Bridget has woken up with a headache, a hangover and her boss.

Many a times I decide to watch movie on its cast and irrespective of the director. Bridget Jones’s diary had amazing cast. I hv always been fan Hugh grant. Colin firth is in a different league altogether after movies like a single man and the king’s speech. Rene zweelger I haven’t seen much of bt I hv liked whatever little I have seen of hers. Bridget jone’s diary is also quintessential British movie with the usual quirks, sarcasm and humor. A genre I quite like. The film Is also good and is about a girl who is a spinster, fat and desperately lacking love in her life. The fate strikes and she has two good looking men falling for her.. also, she maintains a diary in which she jots down the experience she has in her day to day life. Which eventually helps her find / lose the love of her life.

Rating :
* * *

The Cabin in the Woods

*ing : Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, Anna Hutchison
Director : Drew Goddard

Tagline : You think you know the story

I am not fan of horror movies.. I try to watch them as less as possible. May b I am scared or may be something else but I do not watch horror films.. Another genre I totally hate is zombie films. And when horror and zombie comes together, It surely doesn’t excite me. However the film is directed by joss whedon who directed mighty The Avengers and also the film got decent reviews and has a good rating on imdb which prompted me to watch it.. but I was disappointed and how.. The film is not scary at all.. its not funny either.. its some sort of bunch of guys goes out for a weekend in jungle and everything is rigged and they are shown on reality television.. its all not funny . and its not scary either.

Rating :

* *

Love Wrinkle Free

*ing : Ash Chandler, Shernaz Patel, Seema Rahmani
Director : Sandeep Mohan

Tagline : An anti-ageing comedy!

I am all in for indie films.. I think it’s a great move by an independent director making his movie without the helps of the corporate. But, but I think the directors just for the fact they are making get too carried away with the emotion hence not b able to make a good film. Love wrinkle free is a prime example of that.. the filmmaker has completed the film n also sent the film to certain festivals but it does not mean it’s a good film. It’s a boring unfunny film tried hard to sell the “indie” tag. The film is set in a goa and is nicely shot, also has some decent actors but the story is not funny and it just looks quite messy..

Rating :
* *

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jism 2

*ing : Randeep Hooda, Sunny Leone, Arunoday Singh
Director : Pooja Bhatt

Tagline : To love her is to die

What the fuck kind of film is that.. its one of the stupidest film you wud see. Just cashing on the name of porn star sunny Leone. In the film she seems to have a serious case of asthma the way she breathes. Both the male leads are embarrassment and the story is ridiculous. Cudnt even finish the film.

Rating :

The Skin I live in

*ing : Antanio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Jan Cornet
Director : Pedro Almodovar

Tagline :

It is a weird film,, like all previous films by the director. He is a very famous and successful director but somehow I hv nt really liked none of his films. they hv a very different way of storytelling (not necessarily good) and very graphic depiction of violence or sex. The skin I live in another acclaimed work by the director which I frankly did not like much. Its about a genius doctor who wants to create an artificial skin which is resistant to many diseases related to skin. However the government doesn’t approve of his methods and doesn’t want him to continue his research. He however continues doing research at his home on a patient with whom he has had a history. As I said,, it’s a weird film and when dots are connected eventually, u feel more perplexed about wat really happened.
Rating :
* *

The Expendables 2

*ing : Sylvester Stallone, Liam Hemsworth , Randy Couture, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Bruce Willis, Chuck Norris, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger

Director : Simon West

Tagline : Back For War

Saw it coz I was bored and heard it’s a good action film to pass time. Well its just time pass type of movie . dint like it much..not even the action bits. The film had a very jaded feel to the entire story and action. Also, all the lead are too old and ther was just no spark or much of a chemistry which is required for films like this.

Rating :
* *