Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lucky Number Slevin

Cast : Bruce Willis,Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley, Josh Hartnett, Lucy Liu
Director : Paul McGuigan

Tagline : Wrong Time. Wrong Place. Wrong Number.

I never hear a thing about "Lucky Number Slevin" until some weeks ago when i saw its IMSB rating, this quickly gain my attention specially because of the great cast: Morgan Freeman, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu, Ben Kinsley and Josh Harnett. I didn't know what to expect because if Hollywood have teach us something is that "big names" doesn't always mean "great films". Finally i saw this film the night i was feeling kinda sleepy... nd this was the perfect movie which kept me awake and glued throughout.

The plot is about Slevin (Harnett), who is confuse with his friend Nick Fisher who owes money to two of the most important crime bosses in NY: The Boss (Freeman) and the Rabbi (Kingsley), that also are big enemies. Now Slevin most deal with this two dangerous crime bosses.

I really like the plot, is one of those that keeps you alert in all the film and have excellent characters. And of course, the excellent climax, that i'm not going to say. If i say that, it would be major spoiler here..
The movie feels a little perplexing for the first three-quarters, but then all of a sudden Things Make Sense. And not in a contrived, force-fed sense, either; it all falls into place. That's one of the debits of the movie, though; there aren't loose ends, there aren't endless possibilities, there aren't nebulous motives, and so forth. It's all too blunt, too black-and-white without even a hint of gray sneaking in from the side.

About the cast: is just great, the two seniors (Freeman and Kingsley) are, like always, great. Harnett is becoming one of those actors who chose really good films and in this one is really good and Lucy Liu is an excellent actress and also very beautiful. But my favourite role is the one of Bruce Willis, excellent character for all that represent for Slevin and Willis is great.
Absolutely Recommended.

Rating :
* * * *

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