Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Proposal

Cast : Ryan Reynolds, Sandra Bullock
Director : Anne Fletcher

Tagline : Here comes the bribe...

If you ask me, what was the one scene that stood out a couple of days after watching ‘The Proposal’, I honestly cant pick up anything. Ok, maybe the beautiful Alaskan landscape, but that’s it. Its not a bad movie at all – it is a feel-good happy movie shot in beautiful locales – but you come out of the theatre thinking “Hey, haven’t we seen all this before?”

Plot-wise, it’s a combination of Devil Wears Prada and fake-marriage-couple-falling-in-love. Sandra Bullock stars as Margaret Tate, the terrorizing boss who has employees trembling at the sound of her footsteps and Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) is her meek secretary/servant. Trouble erupts when she is informed that her visa application wasn’t processed in time and she is going to be deported back to Canada. She has the immediate solution – marry Andrew to get fiancĂ© visa. And to make the marriage appear legit, she travels with him to his Gradma’s 90th birthday celebrations in Alaska. Where all the fun begins.

While the broader storyline is predictable, there are enough little surprises in the script so that you don’t get bored. The chemistry between Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds is terrific and I was especially impressed with Ryan Reynolds’ performance – he has got a great comic touch. And I have to mention the adorable little white dog as well – he is … well ... adorable !!

So that’s it – a happy romantic comedy to watch if you are in the mood for one ..

Rating :
* * & 1/2

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