Monday, November 16, 2009

Star Trek

Cast ; Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Eric Bana
Director : J. J. Abrams

Tagline: The Future Begins

I have to admit here that iv never seen a Star Trek movie in past.. Infact I just had a vague idea about the concept but i was not much aware of the details. But when i saw the latest movie of the franchise, I was spellbound. I wish i had seen this movie in theatre.

Star Trek follows the creation of the greatest crew to explore the far reaches of space. The opening scenes show us a dramatic and moving battle between the USS Kelvin and the time displaced ship Nerada. This battle introduces the villain Nero (Eric Bana) and shows us the birth of James Kirk. Jump ahead 25 years and we see Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock (Zachary Quinto) take two different paths to Starfleet and the adventure to stop the vengeance filled Nero begin.

Regarding the acting; everyone was great. The star of this movie is, obviously, Chris Pine as James T. Kirk, showing off the character's rebellious and cocky, and ultimately, leadership side. Zachary Quinto playing the iconic Spock was logical. He may not have the same deep and commanding voice Leonard Nimoy has, but the other resemblance of characteristic is undeniable. The rest of the crew -- Zoe Saldana as Uhura, Karl Urban as McCoy, John Cho as Sulu, Anton Yelchin as Chekov, and especially Simon Pegg as the babbling Scotty -- did an appraisable job forming a team that would make Star Trek lasts throughout the ages. And of course Leonard Nimoy himself had no problem taking back the role of the original Spock.

The special effects are beyond description. The sheer beauty of it all was to much to take in on the first showing.
The directing is superb. The editing and camera angles are sleek. The storyline and the storytelling itself is very engaging; holding your breath and grabbing your attention in the most mind-numbing sequence, Star Trek is everything a summer blockbuster should be like.

This movie is for everyone. No matter if you're a trekkie, a film-addict or just a casual movie-goer, you will be purely entertained as I did.

Rating :
* * * *

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