Monday, April 30, 2012

The Avengers

*ing : Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffallo, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Scartlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson, Jeremy Renner
Director : Joss Whedon

Tagline : some assembly required

oh wow.. what a film. i have always liked superhero genre films but never really was a die hard fan. my most fav superheroes where iron man and batman.
Avengers trailer had me really excited. and then subsequent hype and overwhelmingly positive reviews made me even more excited abt the film. then there was this huge expectations from the film. well let me telllya, it exceeds ur already high expectations. its nothing like anything you have seen before.

the film is about group of superhero who come together to save the world from some other world enemy bt also is about how these superheroes have egos, fight abt things, make fun of each other and them come together for a common cause.
the film is incredibly funny and has some jaw dropping action scenes. my fav still remains the iron man but hulk was real surprise package and was marvelously played by mark ruffalo. its a gretest ensemble you will see in terms of casting and also characters. GO FOR IT.

Rating :
* * * * & 1/2

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