Monday, April 30, 2012

Margin Call

*ing : Kevin Spacey, Stanely Tucci, Zachary Quinto

Tagline : Be first. Be smart. Or cheat.

I have always been intrigued about the financial collapse that happened in 2008 and have always wanted to know more and more about it. I have seen too many movies and tried to read maximum about but still haven’t fully understood how it all happened.
Margin call is very much related to the same incedent but it doesn’t tell wat happened. It just tells about a company how they got into this muck, wat they did to get rid of it and wat impact it had on their employees. It’s a story of a night, a night before the world started to know about the collapse of biggest investment companies on wall street. it may sound a boring topic but film is anything but boring.
It keeps you on edge, tells you about the young guns working on wall street and their state of mind. It’s a must watch whoever has any little interest in this part of history.

Rating :
* * * & 1/2

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