Monday, April 30, 2012

Kung fu Panda 2

*ing : (voice of) : Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Michele Yeoh, Jackie Chan
Director : Jenniffer Yuh

Tagline : Prepare for the return of awesomeness.

First thing first, I loved loved the first kung fu panda movie. And I was always going to judge this movie on the basis of first. If I see this movie independently, I may hv liked it bt if u compare it from the first, it is actually kind of disappointment. The first movie had dollop of humor and a very interesting story as well. This one also has a good story but the humor is not that much. The panda is still as endearing and he has issues which he must come to terms with, and he does. Overall, slightly disappointed, still a good one.

Rating :
* * *

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