Monday, October 29, 2012

Oh My God

*ing : Paresh Rawal, Mithun Chkravarty, Akshay Kumar
Director : Umesh Shukla

Tagline : Kanjibhai is taking God to court!

Oh my god is a film produced by Akshay Kumar who has been synonym with bad movies in last few years churning out pathetic movie one after another. Akshay kumar does have a smaller part to play in OMG bt the film cud have taken a more subtler tone and not used the ‘star’ status of the produced. Oh my God, officially based on gujrati play “Kanjibhai Vs God” and unofficially copied from Australian film “the man who sued god” has a very interesting and important premise. Film tells a story of man who doesn’t belive in god, and who shop is destroyed in an earthquake which insurance companies refuses to compensate saying its an “act of god”. Here he sues the God in court creating enough troubles for godmens and himself too. The film has some interesting conversation and brings out the blind faith people have in god and how they are looted in the name of it. the film is good but comes across as too preachy and loud at times. Wish the film was subtler , surely it wud have worked much better. Yet, I say u shud watch it.

Rating :
* * *

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