Thursday, August 29, 2013

Iron Man 3

*ing : Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pearce, Gwyneth Paltrow , Ben Kingsley
Director : Shane Black

Tagline : Prepare for a heavy metal!

"Iron Man 3" does what most third entries in movie franchise don't do, turns in a great movie. This holds up very nicely next to the previous 2 installments, and I'd say it's probably better than "Iron Man 2" and about the same as the first movie. Here, Tony Stark(Robert Downey Jr.) is haunted by the events of the Avengers and finds himself obsessing over creating and perfecting new suits. He is constantly trying to figure out new way to protect his lady love Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow), and make the suits better and better. Then he placed in the cross hairs of a terrorist called the Mandarin (Ben Kingsley). Very unconventional super hero movie, which is great because it's a true breath of fresh air. It's not your typical good guy vs. bad guy movie in a lot of ways. All the performances are great, and it really leaves you with a sense of "how are they gonna do another one?!"
Iron Man is one of my most favorite superhero. He is funny bt when I saw the first promos, I thought they are going to make a dark Iron Man movie and I was really apprenhensive. Bt the film is has enough humor to keep u entertained. And don’t even talk abt action scenes, I was jumping on the seat and my mouth was wide open. Only regret, wish I cud see this movie on IMAX screen.
Anyways, do stay after the credits, it's pretty awesome too..

Rating :

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