Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Man on a Ledge

*ing : Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell
Director : Asger Leth

Tagline : You can only push an innocent man so far.

MAN on a LEDGE has the appearance of a pretty standard unlikely sensationalistic adrenaline-thriller. The plot has its share of holes and stretches, and the ending's a bit much. Still, the acting and cinematography are quite good, and the film is immediately arresting, includes a few good surprises, and keeps your attention throughout. An especially fine performance by Elizabeth Banks as police psychologist Lydia Mercer.

MAN on a LEDGE would have been enhanced by more in the way of character development, especially in the relationship(s) between Nick, Joey, and Angie. Also, millionaire con-man David Englander is a bit too obvious a scumbag from the start. A little more finesse on this character, allowing him to creep up on us, would have been a plus.
Yet, a decent timepass I d say.

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