Tuesday, October 29, 2013

World War Z

*ing : Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Daniella Kertesz
Director : Marc Forster

Tagline : Remember Philly

I was really excited about seeing this movie, but left underwhelmed. I thought the acting was lackluster, the story very linear and predictable, with no interesting plot twists or great moments of revelation.

This role didn't suit Brad Pitt - I'm too big a fan of his to say he was poor, but I found his character quite shallow and unengaging. I couldn't provide a detailed description of his character if I had to. Everything worked out for him conveniently throughout, and of course he is the one who saves the day - without too great an effort of problem solving either.

Overall, the movie wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't great either. Wouldn't recommend for those who value a solid storyline over all else.
Rating :
** & ½

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