Thursday, December 26, 2013

X Men : First Class

*ing : James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence,
Director : Matthew Vaughn

Tagline : Before he was Professor X, he was Charles. Before he was Magneto, he was Erik. Before they were enemies, they were allies.

Rarely does it happen I want to see a movie just coz I want to see a guy perform. James McVoy. Yes.
I have seen the movie and immensely enjoyed it then too. Bt I recently I saw trailer of another movie in franchise ‘Days of Future Past’. And I was so itching to see a movie of James. X-Men First class is a first class movie with some superlative performance and great storyline. In fact its all started. How these iconic characters originated, Magneto, Professor Xavier, Raven and others. Really enjoyed once again.

Rating :
*** & ½

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