Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Love Wrinkle Free

*ing : Ash Chandler, Shernaz Patel, Seema Rahmani
Director : Sandeep Mohan

Tagline : An anti-ageing comedy!

I am all in for indie films.. I think it’s a great move by an independent director making his movie without the helps of the corporate. But, but I think the directors just for the fact they are making get too carried away with the emotion hence not b able to make a good film. Love wrinkle free is a prime example of that.. the filmmaker has completed the film n also sent the film to certain festivals but it does not mean it’s a good film. It’s a boring unfunny film tried hard to sell the “indie” tag. The film is set in a goa and is nicely shot, also has some decent actors but the story is not funny and it just looks quite messy..

Rating :
* *

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