Sunday, July 12, 2009

40 year old virgin

back again with a movie.. after i had a tiring, exhausting, demanding weekend..!..i was almost food deprived, sleep deprived, energy deprived, movies deprived. hw u expected me to survive..?

i badly needed some comedy to survive.. scanned my library nd got hold of a movie which has 7.5 rating (81,234 votes) on IMBD. I knew it won’t disappoint me. And it certainly dint.

The stock supervisor of Smart Tech store Andy (Steve Carell) is a nice guy and good colleague. One night, his colleagues David (Paul Rudd), Jay (Romany Malco) and Cal (Seth Rogen) invite him for a poker game, and in the end of the night, they find that Andy is a 40 years old virgin and they decide to help him to score. When he meets the divorced Trish (Catherine Keener), the owner of "We Sell Your Stuff on eBay" store, they agree to have no sex before their 20th date. Andy gets into many troubles due to these situations.

I was surprised at how raunchy this movie was. It's reminiscent of American Pie, and Porkys in the amount of sex jokes, and sexual content. There is a good amount of drinking and drugging too. The racial humor is also abundant, and nothing is held back. I may sound like I was offended, but I have to tell you, in this movie it works! It really is a smart comedy. The relationship between Steve Carrell and his friends is similar to the relationship between the girls on Sex & The City. These people care about one another. They're totally believable. The movie's payoff is extra sweet, because we care. We really care. Steve Carrell has made a movie for adults that adults can enjoy without sacrificing adulthood. Really funny stuff!


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