Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Got a lil bit of time today morning so squeezed in a just one n half hour movie. Its surveillance.

I saw promos of a new bollywood movie “Hiss” starring Mallika sherawat and Irffan Khan, the movie is directed by Hollywood legend David Lynch’s daughter Jenifer lynch.

Browsed her biography nd got to knw abt previous films she has directed. Surveillance was the most recent one and had also won some award in Cannes Film Festival.

I must say, when I saw this film at a 6.5 on this site, I figured it was well worth a view. I was sorely disappointed. From nearly the opening scene, it is obvious the two supposed FBI agents are, in fact, the killers. Could they have made it any more obvious? If that is the intended "twist" in this film, that's pretty sad.

surveillance" starts so promising... its a pretty raw movie and from the obscure opening on to the landscape shots, introduction of the characters until the unfolding of the stories begins its interesting while not using any music or effects or whatever. Basically the movie is about a couple of FBI agents who are interrogating three survivors of a bloody crime and trying to find out what happened. The way the story is told through the eyes of the different survivors who all got something to hide and therefore all tell different stories while the real occurrences are shown is really interesting and tense. The characters, especially the twisted corrupt cops, the little girl and the drug-addict are also great and everyone in that backwoods police station where the interrogations take place delivers.

What really irritated me is that it was not at all the kind of movie that I wanted to watch. I expected a kind of "detective story" and didn't expect the total turnaround the script takes. Not that I don't like being surprised by a well-constructed script. But this one rather let me down.

If you find the depiction of violent murders and wanton police brutality expressed in a plot less film with glacial pacing entertaining, then you're bound to enjoy Surveillance. For me, it remained a good opportunity gone waste..

Rating :

* * & 1/2

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