Friday, July 17, 2009

Wristcutters: A Love Story

I have always been fascinated by the idea Life after death. I always wonder wat happens to us once we are dead. Are we reborn or we have to pay for all the sins we have committed. I also thought about the prospect a completely different world for people who are dead.

I hadn’t thought that director Goran Dukic would make a film which would match my curiosity to the T.

Its Bleak film of death and a depressing afterlife. Its story about few people who have “Offed” themselves and are living in a strange world.

I liked this story because it's not your classic suicide story. Its takes the morbid taste of suicide and gives you a twisted perspective of life after death. It's creative in this way.

So if Thinking about suicide? Think again. And watch WRISTCUTTERS: A LOVE STORY before you pull out that razor blade, swallow those pills, or pop that gun barrel into your mouth. The world beyond is not what you want! Zia (Patrick Fugit) is so depressed about his girlfriend leaving him, he feels he cannot go on. One slit of the wrists and it's bye-bye boy. But what lay beyond for Zia? Well, it ain't any prettier. In fact, it's downright depressing. No laughter. No smiles. An empty road full of empty lives lay ahead. Or so it seems.

All the actors did their job well and seemed perfectly cast. I specially loved the Russian rockstar. He was funny.

Overall I did enjoy Wristcutters. I can't say it was all that I hoped for though: as the story progressed it just got more bizarre where I thought it should grow funnier

But the one question i kept asking myself was why aren't they looking for answers? Why is Zia searching for something that belonged to his previous life?

They have the opportunity to find the answers I have been seeking for all my life...

But it was director’s vision and he did a fine job with it.

. The ending, however, was stellar. I don't want to give it away, but I'll just say that somehow in the last scene two characters poured out their souls without ever saying a word. If you can do this, as a filmmaker you must be doing something right.


Rating :

* * *

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