Friday, July 10, 2009

Shoot em Up

The WeeKend starts and so does the movie watching spree.. but this weekend is going to be different.
i will be spending most of my time away frm my laptop so might not get opportunity to watch lot of movies,
still wud try to squeeze atleast coupel.

Wanted to see some racy fast paced short movie and picked shoot em up from my list. And it dint disappoint on many aspects.

I love action movies, I mean, I really love action movies, even the most unrealistic one's like Die Hard and Commando, they're just all in good fun and enjoyable. Either the action movie is going to be great and unrealistic or great and have a fantastic believable story.

So I saw Shoot 'Em Up the today, yeah, it can be fun at times to watch, it brought me back to the good ol' days of Commando where this guy is just getting shot at by 50 men at the same time yet he kills them all and doesn't get a scratch. Just like Paul Giamotti's character said "OK, do we really suck that much or is this guy really that good?", so true, at least they recognize it. But Shoot 'Em up is just for those who are just very trigger happy and doesn't have the best script. I just thought that Shoot 'Em Up could've had a great story with terrific actors, but they went the other way.

Mr. Smith is just sitting at a bench, minding his own business eating a carrot, he sees a young pregnant woman running down the street. A car skids by and man gets out chasing after the woman and is about to kill her, but Mr. Smith decides to get involved, he delivers the baby while in the middle of a shoot out, but the mother gets killed, he keeps the baby and realizes that this baby means something. He gets a hooker, Donna Quintano, to help him take care of the baby, but this hit man Hertz is not giving up and will get this baby even if it requires killing Mr. Smith, the ticked off British nanny.

There is a scene where Mr. Smith and a bunch of Hertz's men jump out of a plane and somehow are still shooting at each other, now I can accept unrealistic, but that was way way way way beyond anything that could be believable and I just ended up laughing at. It has the smooth talk and stunts of a perfect action movie, I just had a hard time because I think this was one of those movies that could have had a better developed story, it would have been better. I do give Clive better credit than I thought, he made a great hero, just if we are going to do unrealistic, make it fun unrealistic, like Commando, not tell us Mr. Smith's history and not tell us why he decided to get involved with this.

Hey, did I mention Monica belcucci , i think i dint. She looks as hot and sexy as always. The sex scene in movie was also shot quite differently.

Recommended if u can digest such slam bam gory movie.


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