Monday, July 20, 2009

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

Saw Harry Potter and Half Blood prince this Saturday in PVR and it turned out to be utter waste of time and money. Cudnt post the review as soon as i saw it for the reasons that i cudnt get hand on internet as i was away for whole weekend.

But I desperately i wanted to write how much i hated the movie. I have never been diehard fan of harry potter series but iv not disliked it either. Haven’t read the Harry Potter books. Not even one. I think I just don't like the books very much. Too many pages for me and it’s just not my subject to read about. The movies are different. I like the movies very much.. Apparently I had heard that half blood prince was supposedly the best book in the series but movie has turned out to be a disaster for me.

I discussed the movie with few of my friends who have read the book and has also seen the movie had lots to say about it.

They all had to say that this is the Worst Harry Potter move thus far.

While the opening scene was a thrilling 3-D like ride which should be seen at an OmniMax, the 3 minutes or so it lasted were definitely not enough to sustain my interest. There was absolutely no suspense. Not enough action, not enough revelations.

I wanted to know more about the characters and their deep dark world, Harry Potter, Lord voldermort, Snape but I was left totally unsatisfied.

Though definitely Loved the teen hormone theme but the rest of this was a real sad excuse for Harry Potter film. But I would have liked to see more of the things that the book shared with readers than watching adolescent teens 'snogging'.

This type of film needs the ending we expect or at least something close. But the climax was a major disappointment. It was one of the most abrupt ending for movie of such scale. If you have not read the book,as in this case I was the one, you wouldn’t really understand what and how everything finished so soon.

Somehow this bad experience has not deterred me from looking forward the next movie of the franchise. Let’s be positive and expect the next movie to provide all the answers.

Rating :

* *

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