Monday, July 30, 2012

Batman Begins

*ing : Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman
Director : Christopher Nolan

Tagline :

Well it feels awkward saying this but I had never seen batman begins. Yes. Its true. The most important reason that I had seen the dark knight by the time I got chance to see batman begins. And I always thought, since I have seen such a great movie,, I dnt think batman begins will b able to match the dark knight. Bt then I recently saw the dark knight rises and it had some plots taken from the batman begins and I was kicking myself for not having seen the first one. So ya,, saw batman begins and it may not be as good as the next two but still a good movie. This is more about how the batman came into picture. How he fought his demons and became the man. The film is darker in tone which other movies have also been and bruce does make some sacrifices. Also in order to complete the trilogy, I had to watch this film. And I did not regret.

Rating :
* * * *

Trilogy Rating :
* * * * *

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