Monday, July 30, 2012


*ing : Freida Pinto, Riz Ahmed
Director : Michael Winerbotton

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This trishna movie is such a disappointment. I had seen trailer earlier and was blown away by it.. specially the music. However the film,, I like nothing. And I mean nothing. There a rich nri who comes to rajasthan to take care of a hotel of his father.. he is not interested in it much.. suddenly he falls in love with a village girl played by freida pinto.. he helps her get a job in hotel. Sleeps with her.. takes her to Mumbai.. becomes nymphomaniac.. the girl kills him and then kills herself.. I found it a stupid film. Most of the time nothing really happens. I did not udnerstnd why he had to kill him .. and then kill herself. Why this smart rich guy had to be around with this village yokel. He cud hv got soo many pretty girls. Having been nice in most of the film he suddenly becomes dark. Music has been used well at some places but overall it doesn’t match the expectations.. only music I am talking abt.. the film anyway is a disaster. Tested my patience and wat not.

Rating :
* *

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