Monday, July 16, 2012

Taking Woodstock

*ing : Demetri Martin, Henry Goodman, Edward Hibbert
Director : Ang Lee

Tagline : A generation began in his backyard

I have had this film in my laptop for over an year and I cud never watch it. Everytime I started watching this film, I couldn’t go beyond 10-15 mins. I was about to delete this film even without watching. Bt then Rajeev masand once tweeted something. He was asked which is one film he wud want to BE in. and he answered taking Woodstock. That hooked me. So finally I saw the film and learnt why he said it.
The film is a about a revolutionary concert that happened somewhere near NewYork and about the guy who organized it. The concent gave shelter and much needed momentum to the hippie movement at that point of time and was atteneded by lakhs and lakhs of hippies at that point of time. Well there is nothing much in the film I liked bt ya, just being there,, in that concert, among all those hippies wud hv been a good fun. 

Rating :
* * & 1/2

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