Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Artist

*ing : Jean Dujardin, Bérénice Bejo, John Goodman
Director : Michel Hazanavicius

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The artist is rare film in today’s times. The artist is actually a black and white silent film based in 1927. I said its rare film coz movies are very very technology driven and the charm or soul in the movie is missing mostly. And that’s were the artist scores huge points. The artist as a film has soul in it.. no wonder film won the Oscar this year for the best film. The film is about a silent movie star who is arrogant enough not to accept that times are changing and people are accepting talking movies. But more than the story part,, its how its been treated matters.. Both lead actors are so wonderful in their performance that you can feel their pain and love. Highly recommended.

Rating :
* * * *

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