Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Skin I live in

*ing : Antanio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Jan Cornet
Director : Pedro Almodovar

Tagline :

It is a weird film,, like all previous films by the director. He is a very famous and successful director but somehow I hv nt really liked none of his films. they hv a very different way of storytelling (not necessarily good) and very graphic depiction of violence or sex. The skin I live in another acclaimed work by the director which I frankly did not like much. Its about a genius doctor who wants to create an artificial skin which is resistant to many diseases related to skin. However the government doesn’t approve of his methods and doesn’t want him to continue his research. He however continues doing research at his home on a patient with whom he has had a history. As I said,, it’s a weird film and when dots are connected eventually, u feel more perplexed about wat really happened.
Rating :
* *

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