Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Dictator

*ing : Sacha Baron COhen, Alec Berg, Ben Kingsley
Director : Larry Charles

Tagline :

The borat team returns,, sacha boran with the same director who made cult and iconic “borat” comes up with another film “the dictator”. Their last film “Bruno” however was panned heavily by critiques and was a flop on box office too.. I saw the film for few minutes and cudnt handle it so dint see it any further..
The promos of dictator were hilarious and it seemed they hv achieved the humor of borat. Borat was very funny film in a sarcastic way. The humor was on the edge and ppl cud either get it or get offended. Dictator has some genuine funny moments but largely, film is offensive, rude, crude and boring. They gags seemed forced and so were the situations. Borat worked for its novelty factor but it seemed much repeated in dictator. I did not like the film except few scenes.

Rating :
* *

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