Monday, March 31, 2014


*ing : Ashton Kutcher, Dermot Mulroney, Josh Gad
Director : Joshua Michael Stern

Tagline : Some see what's possible, others change what's possible.

Creating a movie biopic about Steve Jobs is a brilliant idea. The creators had the opportunity to make a significant, informative film with their character study of the man who formed such a powerful company. But this one was a failure.

The movie is supposed to be a character study. But honestly this movie doesn't teach us much about Jobs, moreover it gives us a basic time line of his life and company. Kind of like those short 100 page biographies you read in 3rd grade for a book report that just really skim the surface and leave out everything.

This film lacked transition/fluidity and seemed choppy. Like the scene where we see him at his house with his family, the film never discussed that he came to have a wife and children. We only know that Lisa, his daughter, was from a previous relationship. And we learn that he tried to deny Lisa as his for a long time since the film focuses on it, but it never shows that he had a change of heart and accepted her as his child. Isn't a biopic supposed to teach us about a persons emotions, feelings about life, and his relationships with others?

If you want to learn about who Steve Jobs is, read his biography, or watch much better one, “the pirates of silicon valley.
Rating :

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