Sunday, March 30, 2014

Rabbit Hole

*ing Nicole Kidman, Aaron Eckhart, Dianne Wiest
Director : John Cameron Mitchell

Tagline : Love will get you through.

I m astounded at the positive reviews this movie is getting and the Oscar nomination for Kidman. I m sorry, but this movie is just not worth your time and lacks the emotional maturity and depth to deal with the subject matter in anything approaching a substantive way.

The goal is admirable enough. Delve into loss, grieving, moving on, tensions in a happy marriage. None of it is pulled off, everything is surface level with no resonance and the performances (Eckhart is best) are just bland and overly orchestrated.

There was only one part of the movie that actually drew a reaction out of me - when Kidman attacks the woman in the grocery store. The rest is completely unbelievable, their "climactic" argument is most agonizing.

To boot, the movie contradicts itself with its attempts at humour. When Ekhart and Kidman giggle and laugh at other in their 'grief group', and later on outright mock them, for their ridiculous self pity babbling, their own moments of grief cannot be taken seriously. Their own arguments and struggles become laughable - this is a main flaw in this film.

Rating :

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