Monday, March 31, 2014

Rearview : My roadies Journey

*Written By : Raghu Ram

I don’t watch tv. I don’t own one. Hardly any tv series I hv followed regularly. But there is just one tv show, Roadies which I have followed almost quite regularly. May be from season one. I have liked the format of the show. The creators. The judge. I have always been fan of Raghu Ram, the director and casting judge of contetestents. Altho he has image of being rude and abusive man, he just treats anyone the way call for it. If you be nice and sensible, he will be same with you. But if you act oversmart he will take your ride for life.
I have also wanted to know more about the man, what goes behind making a season, how he has risen from being a thin man who was bullied throughout college and then becoming what he has become. The book is interesting read for all who wants to know the man. I quite enjoyed it.
Rating :
*** & ½

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