Monday, March 31, 2014

The Bling Ring

*ing : Katie Chang, Israel Broussard, Emma Watson
Director : Sofia Coppola

Tagline : If you can't be famous, be infamous.

Do yourself a favor and avoid this movie, even if you're a fan of Sofia Coppola (Lost in Translation), I beg you not to see it. Its someone who could be a great artist doing something effortless just because.

Its about a couple of celebrity obsessed teens who start robbing celebrities' homes.

There are no stakes during the movie, because we don't care about the characters, none of them are likable. Its also supposed to be a satire, but I didn't think it was funny at all, it was actually kind of sad in a way. The movie has so little story and effort put into it that scenes are repeated throughout the movie, by that I mean Emma Watson going "I see this as a huge learning lesson".

The movie is just boring, there is nothing interesting about it. Its a wannabe "Magic Mike", it attempts to be like "Kids", but for that it takes great acting skill, which none of the actors in this movie seemed to have or are not even trying.
Rating :

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