Monday, March 31, 2014

The Great Gatsby

*ing : Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton
Director : Baz Luhrmann

Tagline : Can't repeat the past? ...of course you can!

I had heard quite a few bad opinions of The Great Gatsby, and also a lesser number of good impressions, so I wasn't sure what to expect from it. For me, Baz Luhrmann has been mildly hit and miss, though mostly when it comes to his films I find that they're hits, for me personally. I do know that I can generally expect some wackiness from him, and Gatbsy didn't surprise me in that regard. But I'm pleased to say that all in all I did enjoy this movie.

I thought it was beautiful visually, and compelling in terms of storyline. I can't say that I adored the soundtrack, unlike some of other films of Luhrmann's, but I didn't hate it or think it ruined the movie either, as some other people seem to feel.

I love Leo and thought he was great in his role. It was a little strange seeing Tobey Maguire trying to be a "wizened, washed out drunk", but I still enjoy his acting and thought he was good in this. I love the world that he ventured into but found it pretty sad how things wound up - I could really feel the "haunted" vibe that he was talking about by the end, and felt the same way myself, as if I was actually there experiencing it.

All in all I think it was a great cast and well-executed. I wouldn't say it's one of my favourite movies of all time, though.

Rating :

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