Sunday, August 23, 2009


Cast : Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz
Director: Ted Demme

The movie Blow (which has a very good rating on IMDB) hooked me , first that it starred Johny Depp and Penelope cruz, both my favourite actors. Also the trailer looked outstanding but it aint that impressive.

May be here in India we don’t know much about America’s history with Drugs and its peddlers but they do have a very notorious history. (Watch American Gangster to know more, a classic) but there was another Drug Dealer George Jung who created havoc in his times. This movie delves into Jung's life and uproots the reasoning behind his actions. There are books concerning Jung's life, but how many people read them? - a movie, starring Johnny Depp, is just the thing that could give Jung's story the attention it deserves. "Blow" doesn't contain the regular "drugs are bad" preaching that is usually brought up in movies... it shows us the rise and fall of one of the greatest drug lords in the U.S.

Most of the time i had feeling that i am watching American gangster once again, just few characters replaced here and there.

The first 45 minutes of Blow started out great. It was stylish, humorous, and enticing. Then it started to fade, and fade, and fade even moe. What i dint like in particular was attempt to develop sympathy for the main character. The man was one of the largest distributors of cocaine in the country. I think Johnny Depp is one of the most talented, dynamic, and versatile actors in this country and not even he could pull this one off.

True crime stories have been a subject of a few good movies, and much more failures. 'Blow' belongs to the second category. Nothing interesting happens in this movie, the story is conventional and permissible, the characters never develop beyond cheap melodrama. Nothing of the devastation of drug culture shows up on the screen. Gangsters love their daughters? So what? Just boring.

And yeah what a waste of Penelope Cruz talent to appear in such a movie.. she hardly had any screen space and just yelled and screeched whenever she was there.

Not really recommended.

Rating :

* *

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