Wednesday, August 5, 2009


First off, let me say that I have no problem with S&M. I'm not bothered by it and I viewed this film with an open-mind. So the content of the movie was not why I disliked it.

The movie was dull and anti-climactic. It was TEDIOUS for me to watch, because I kept waiting for something to happen...and it didn't. Generally I find that when movies are slow, they are leading up to something big. Unfortunately, this did not. The ending was unsatisfied and too much akin to a "Hollywood ending".

After watching the movie, I felt like I wasted my time because the film was pointless.

Also, if the director was trying to show sadomasochism occurring in a real environment, he did a poor job. The sets, albeit aesthetically pleasing, did not fit the movie. The music was like that of a porno, which degraded the quality of the movie to me.

The atmosphere of the movie was all felt cold, one-dimensional, and clinical. I didn't care about the characters at all.

this movie has got some real good reviews all over....I think that because a movie is "different" or "independent" people think that they are deep or intellectual by enjoying it. But I don't think that these had any hallmarks of a good movie. People just feel pressured to like it because it's indie.

I thought it was a waste of time...there are so many better movies than this.

Rating :

* & 1/2

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