Saturday, August 1, 2009


I finally managed to see Capote which had been lieing in my library for long now...

And well, I was disappointed.

It's not that Capote is a bad movie by any stretch. The filmmakers clearly know how to make a movie, and the acting and writing is topnotch. It's just that...the movie is boring. It drags out for what seems like hours, but are only painful minutes. It harps on some plot points, but misses others or just pokes at them.

It seems like they were going for a real arty feel, and just ended up forgetting to add any added element to it. While being topnotch in many categories, it just doesn't have the uplifting, or movement needed to make a film be enjoyable on all counts. I wanted to fall asleep for much of the movie, it just was too boring for my liking.

The story itself is tremendously interesting, but the movie just lacks the life force and power to make the entire thing work. If they chopped a bit out, and added some more interesting elements to it, then it would have been a whole lot better.

Of course, Phillip Seymour Hoffman is fabulous as Capote himself. The mannerisms he inhibits are excellent, and you can really almost see the real man he's portraying.. He chews up every scene he's in, and completely blows all the other actors in the film into the wind.

The movie may be lacking, but he is not. He deserves the academy award hands down. It's a boring film with a astonishing Oscar worthy performance. If you have to see it, see it for Hoffman, and nothing else.

Before watching this movie.. i was not aware of the Famous writer Truman Capote and that he had written a very famous Novel In Cold Blood. So famous that the novel itself was made into a movie and there was another movie on relationship of Capote and the murderer named “Infamous”.

Infact, Phillip Seymour Hoffman has again played the character of Capote in “Infamous” too. Sounds intresting, aint it..

So will watch infamous soon in future and will review it here.

Rating :
* * & 1/2

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