Friday, August 21, 2009

Out OF Sight

Cast : George Clooeney
Director : Steven Soderbergh

Perhaps I'm one of the few people who thinks so, but if you ask me this movie is a little bit overrated. Don't get me wrong, I did like most of the movie, but it isn't as good as I expected it to be. The movie started very promising but than it lost most of my attention until the last 20 minutes or so.

An FBI-cop (Jennifer Lopez) who falls in love with a professional bankrobber (George Clooney) while he is making his way out of prison sounds pretty charming but once you see the movie you know it's just a lame excuse for director Soderbergh (Ocean's 11, 12,13, (such great profile)) to film a romantic crime comedy that must bring back memories of other similar movies of genre.

. It's not a movie that bores but from the moment starts you know in whose arms Lopez will end and before the arrival, the director thinks it's necessary to tell the viewer some complicated tales (the movie has so many flashbacks i certainly dint like the idea. ) and as said you can easily skip some minutes of the movie, you wouldn't have a miss a thing... Clooney plays in his Richard Gere-(it all looked so familiar specially after he’s been there and done all in Oceans series) while Jennifer Lopez is a better actress than most people think, but all by all just an useless romantic vehicle that you forget the moment you turn the telly out.

It's probably not easy to make an original movie with this concept, but I expected more from Soderbergh.

Only if you insist.

Rating :

* *

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