Saturday, August 8, 2009


"Even love isn't pretty from this up-close.". You may think it sounds weird, I thought same. Watch Closer to get answers. Watch closer to know love actually aint pretty from close-up.

You may argue the circumstances and characters depicted are rarity in India and it only exits in West but this is not true. These characters are normal, a lil lesser known but they exist.

Anna (Julia Roberts) is a self-destructive woman, who simply can't accept love or happiness. Yes, people like her are real.

Alice (Natalie Portman) is a tough, cold but romantic girl. But the problem is that... to her, the love ALWAYS ends, and than... she run away, starting all over again, and again.

Dan (Jude Law) is a loveless man. He can't decide which one he will love, because he suffers from a terrible absence of love.

Larry (Clive Owen) represents the most common love form. He Really loved Anna, and did all for her. He even made the classic mistake of a cheated man.

A failed writer, a young stripper, a doctor with a certain prestige, and a very successful photographer. Four characters, four crossed relationships. Sex, love, infidelity, the animal attraction...

The characters are brilliant, and so is the casting. . You will love this movie, believe me. And bytheway The other thing that I quite liked about this movie is the intense conversations the jilted lovers had with each other! Men do ask those insane questions about sex. Why???? So crazy and yet so true.

Watch it, but do be wary of explicit language of the film. Not everybody's cup of tea to handle it.

Rating :

* * * & 1/2

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