Monday, October 28, 2013

Game Change

*ing : Ed Harris, Julianne Moore, Woody Harrelson
Director : Jay Roach

Tagline : Politics would never be the same.

In the 2008 presidential campaign, Sarah Palin became one of the most hated women in America. And I never could quite put it together. Sure she said some stupid things, but I guess I didn't really know much about her. Nobody really did. But as the years went on, I found out more about her, and as it turns out she put her friends in charge of staff in Alaska, and in Game Change, the new HBO film from director Jay Roach, it brings out a side to Palin that we never really saw.

That's basically the premise of the film. It takes us behind the scenes of Sarah Palin, and the 2008 election, while tying in events that actually occurred. Is the whole film based on fact? I don't know.But if that's the case, they did a hell of a job with it.

Julianne Moore is Palin, Ed Harris is John McCain, the presidential candidate, and Woody Harrelson is Steve Schmidt, McCains executive who discovers Palin and believes that she will win over women voters around the world.

The three are magical here, especially Moore, who definitely sinks into Sarah Palin. She talks, walks, and even looks like her. What works about Game Change is those performances. Hell, most of the film works. It really showed me just WHO and WHY Sarah Palin if you are interested in America and its Election system.
Rating :

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